相似词语短语punched cards───穿孔卡片;打孔卡
punch card───穿孔卡片(等于punchedcard)
punch cards───穿孔卡片;打孔卡
punched tape───穿孔纸带
punched tapes───[计]穿孔带
dance card───邀舞卡
pinched face───捏脸
place card───(美)席次牌
双语使用场景perforation, as in a punched card or paper tape.───在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。
A card on which binary coded data are re【世间百态就是一面镜子,用心多看一人,就等于多擦一次镜面。了应须自了,心不是他心。先做个明白人。】corded with recording density larger than a punched card.───一种二进制编码数据卡片,其记录密度大于穿孔卡片。
A perforation, as in a punched card or paper tape.───在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作.
The user interface was largely in the form of punched card input and report output.───用户界面主要是穿孔卡片的形式输入和报告输出。
英语使用场景Bouchon and Falcon's punched card loom appeared in 1775, later improved on by Jacques de Vaucanson.
Early computers required input in the form of punched cards.
Every day he punched cards, punched and punched, trying to avoid instability, divergence, distortion.
This makes me all sound like punched card computers to you,[sentencedict.com] But for me i was very proud of my 2400 baud modem.
The first step is to read the contents of a punch card into a core.
The amended listing was then sent to an outside data preparation bureau where data were recorded on punch cards.
The contents of a punch card can be read in and read out readily.
A perforation, as in a punched card or paper tape.
The original punched card is put into the machine and, referring to the papers from which the first version was prepared, the checking operator tries to punch out a second version.
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