相似词语短语of medium height───中等身高
maximum height───最大高度
minimum height───起跳高度
maximum weight───最大重量
medium driest───中干
sodium light───钠光灯
ceiling height───室内净高;楼底高度;上升限度
双语使用场景Mitchell is well built, of medium height, with a dark complexion.───米切尔体格健壮,中等个头,肤色黝黑。
He was of medium height with blond hair and light blue eyes.───他中等身材,金发碧眼。
The man is of medium height.───这男人中等个儿.
The young man was of medium height for his age.───这个年轻人在同龄人中属中等身高。
Mitchell is well-built, of medium height, with a dark complexion.───米切尔身体强壮,中等个子,面色黝黑。
He was a man of medium height.───他是个中等个子的男子。
Round face, bright eyes, darkish skin, of medium height: he knew who that was.───小圆脸儿, 水汪汪一对眼睛, 黑皮肤, 中等身材: 他知道这是谁.
She has medium height. and beautiful face.───她中等身材, 有着美丽的面庞.
He is of medium height.───他是中等身材.
She is in medium stature, medium height.───她有中等的身材, 中等的个子.
The old man is of medium height.───那个老人中等身高.
WITNESS: He was about medium height and a beard.───证人: 大约中等身材,满脸胡须.
She is slim, has medium height and has long hair.───她身材苗条, 有中等身材,有一头长发.
He was forty - five years of age, of medium height, fairly thick - set, not at all unprepossessing.───他已经45岁, 中等身材, 矮矮胖胖的, 不完全是胸无城府的.
Anna: Not fat or thin. Medium height.───安娜: 不胖不瘦. 中等身材.
This young chap is of medium height.───这小伙子中等个头儿.
Crown: Medium height, and not pinched too tightly at the front.───帽顶:中等高度,前部不是收缩的很厉害。
He was a man of medium height with a slight paunch.───他是个中等身材的人,大腹便便.
英语使用场景Mitchell is well built, of medium height, with a dark complexion.
The majority were of medium height, about a hundred and sixty pounds, clean-shaven and capable-looking.
He is of medium height.
He was of medium height with blond hair and light blue eyes.
He was a man of medium height.
He was of medium height, and had regular, even features of the kind which are instantly forgettable.
One was white, of medium height with fair or ginger hair cut short on one side and longer on the other.
She's of medium height.
Of medium height and build, he crouched behind the car, perched elbows on the roof, focused the binocular【你难道以为,我真的在崩玉完成后的这百年之间。会无法锁定崩玉的所在地吗?】s.