绕圈子地; 全循环
相似词语短语small circle───小圆;小回环
hut circle───一圈石头
【人活一世,每走一步就是在天地间留下一步痕迹。只是世人的脚步,大多了去无痕,风吹黄沙,雪掩路径,水冲石阶。】family circle───n.家庭圈子;家庭座
small circles───小圆;小回环
come full circle───兜了个圈回到原地
turn full circle───转一整圈
color circle───色环,色轮,色圆
full pitches───全节距;整节距;正常齿距
outer circle───外圈;外圆
双语使用场景From her Pyramid she brings the matrix full circle, Creatrix and destroyer All in One.───从她金字塔里,她产生充满周期的矩阵, 女性创造者和破坏者全部在一里.
We have come full circle.───我们兜了个圈子又回到原处。
The effects of your actions come full circle.───你的行为影响总是在充分地循环.
From caregiver to cared for, from cared for to caregiver, our relationship had come full circle.───她已从关爱者变为受照顾者, 我则从受照顾者变为关爱者, 我们的关系倒了个个儿.
The wheel have come full circle.───周而复始,报应不爽.
The attitude you project returns full circle back to you.───你表现出的态度映射你自身.
Sometimes you have to go halfway around the world come full circle.───有时候你得要走过半个世界,才能绕完一圈回到原点.
In a way, I've almost come full circle back to teaching.───在某种程度上, 兜了一圈我又成了老师.
Twenty years later his son made the same choice and the wheel came full circle.───20年后,他的儿子作出了同样的选择,所有一切又转回到原来的地方.
Loyalty nevertheless again comes full circle.───然而忠诚度再次形成完整的循环.
Again, we turn full circle.───我们再一次转了一圈又回到原处。
Life always makes a full circle.───生活总是喜欢兜圈子.
In a sense, the quasi - religious mystique of royalty came full circle with Diana.───就某种意义来说, 王室的半宗教神秘性填补了黛安娜的生活.
We've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style.───风水轮流转,时下最流行的又是深蓝色牛仔裤了。
Use tools recommended by fitting and tubing manufactures. All tools must make a full - circle crimp.───采用管件和管道制造商推荐的工具. 所有工具必须能够实现完美圆周的压紧作业.
Now the Rnudsen - Ford relationship had come full circle.───现在,努森和福特的关系恢复了老样子.
Here's where we come full circle.───这里我们又回到了原处。
From boom to and back round again, the new - media industry has turned full circle.───从繁荣到没落,之后又繁荣, 新媒体行业经历了完整的生命周期.
英语使用场景The political wheel had turned full circle[http://Sentencedict.com], and he was back in power.
Sooner or later, fashion comes full circle.
Everything comes full circle.
It's January 1st, the year has come full circle.
Fashion has come full circle and denim is back.
The neo-colonial wheel has almost come full circle.
So we have come full circle.
Things have come full circle now that long skirts are back in fashion.
We've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style.
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