相似词语短语red men───n.美洲印第安人;n.(Redman)(美、英)雷德曼(人名)
red roman───n.红罗马鱼
red meat───红色肉类(牛肉,羊肉等)
red roan───红罗恩
repo man───重生男人
God man───n.耶稣基督;戈德曼(姓氏)
ad man───n.广告商;广告撰写员
bad man───歹徒
end man───一排中最末端的人;滑稽演员
双语使用场景me tell you folks the red man …───我要告诉大家,红色人种…
Red Man sn【那是个九十岁的老不死,每十年出一次剑冢,十年寻一剑,现如今已有九剑,不,十剑,他自身就是第十剑。】uff should break even this year, the CEO said.───首席执行官说,红人鼻烟今年将收支相抵.
When the last red man has vanished with this wilderness, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here?───当最后一个红种人在丛林中消失,他的记忆也仅仅是掠过草原的一朵云影,这些岸和森林还会在这里吗?
No man, be he Red man or White man, can be apart.───没有人能够彼此分开,无论是红种人还是白种人。
英语使用场景Then I saw a blood - red man.
When the last red man has vanished with this wilderness, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here?
Let's go to the park.OK.Look!There's the red man.Stop!I'm sorry.
We work with the Red man today, and those that are seeking their Red inheritance, whether they be black, white, or yellow.
Red Man snuff should break even this year, the CEO said.
Red Men who failed to report for bedside duty with their stricken brother were fined a dollar for dereliction.
The red man subsequently lost his land, and lost consciousness as well.
I am a red man and do not understand.
Once the Red Man could use telepathy to communicate with any other member of the Race regardless of how far away .
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