相似词语短语music fan───音乐迷
music stand───n.乐谱架
muffin man───松饼人
music case───音乐盒
music hall───音乐厅
main man───精神支柱(文艺作品、歌曲、电影中多用此意);男闺蜜;值得信任的男性朋友;主要的人;爵士乐唱片名(MainMan)
双语使用场景Pretty eye, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man.───美丽的眼睛,海盗的微笑,你将嫁给做音乐的人。
He is the musi【将爱形容为美丽的 是不了解爱的人 将爱形容为丑陋的 是自以为了解爱的人】c man... he comes from music land.───他是音乐男人。…他来自音乐土地。
I am the music man.───我是音乐人。
Below the window of my apartment in Paris, a music man takes a place made vacant by an earlier musician .───在巴黎,我的住处下面,就会经常有一个来的很早的音乐家。
He is known now at home as the "Musical Mayor. " a music man.───现在他是大家所熟知的“音乐市长”。
This "mysterious music man" , originating from a you ku video on March 13th, 2011, has been viewed by tens of thousands of people.───这位“神秘音乐男”,源于2011年3月13日优酷网上传的一段视频。截止目前已有几十万浏览。
Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man.───目光温柔,笑容迷人,要嫁给音乐人。
But the music. . . Man.───但是音乐…酷毙了。
And Music Man was born!───音乐超人诞生了!