[地名] [美国] 斯利皮霍洛; [电影]断头谷/睡谷传奇/无头骑士
相似词语短语beat hollow───彻底打败;远远超越
Sleepy Hollow chair───昏昏欲睡的空心椅子
Sleepy Hollow chairs───昏昏欲睡的空心椅子
Greek mallow───希腊锦葵
frost hollow───n.霜洼
grey willow───灰柳树
lemon yellow───[颜料]柠檬黄
lie fallow───休闲;潜伏
ring hollow───话听起来不诚恳;话语听着空洞
双语使用场景You also recently worked with Tim Burton on Sleepy Hollow. What was that like?───最近你还和蒂姆·波顿在《沉睡谷》中合作。那是个什么样的情形?
But how was making Sleepy Hollow different from shooting Star Wars?───但是如何让《沉睡谷》的拍摄与《星球大战》的拍摄不同呢?
You also recently worked with Tim Burton on Sleepy Hollow.───最近你还和蒂姆·波顿在《沉睡谷》中合作.
Washington Irving " Rip Van Winkle " , " The Legend of Sleepy Hollow "───华盛顿欧文: 《瑞普凡温克尔 》 、 《睡谷传奇 》.
Sleepy Hollow"?───沉睡的山谷”怎么样?
Nobody in Sleepy Hollow ever sees him again.───睡谷镇上从此再没人见过伊卡博德.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is an old short story by Washington Irving.───《睡谷的传说》是华盛顿?欧文(washingtonIrving)的一篇古老的短篇故事.
I mean, after The Lord of the Rings, plus Sleepy Hollow -- I'm lucky, certainly.───我是说, 这是在拍完《魔戒》, 还有《沉睡谷》之后 —— 当然,我很幸运.
英语使用场景Washington Irving " Rip Van Winkle " , " The Legend of Sleepy Hollow "
You also recently worked with Tim Burton on Sleepy Hollow.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is an old short story by【圣人做出来都是德性,贤人做出来都是气质,众人做出来都是习俗,小人做出来都是私欲。】 Washington Irving.
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