相似词语短语to honcho───是本丘
ho ho───呵呵(象生词,表示笑声)
to hollo───给霍洛
to hot dog───去吃热狗
to hobnob───是霍比特人吗
to hoe in───挖
to holloa───去荷兰
to hollow──【欢迎回来,织姬。怎么了,你看起来好委屈呢。笑吧。太阳要是被乌云遮住了,大家都会伤心的吧。你只要笑着,然后在这里稍微等一会儿就好,等到我们,毁了空座廷以后。】─空心
to hoodoo───这是无赖
双语使用场景Conclusion While HO-1 can be absorbed by the ileum, the increase in gavage doses and times of the HO-1-secreting Lactococcus lactis cannot effectively increase the content of HO-1 in the ileum.───结论乳酸乳球菌中重组HO-1蛋白可以被回肠吸收,但在一定程度后增加HO-1乳酸乳球菌灌胃剂量和次数不能有效增加回肠中重组HO-1蛋白的含量。
Mr. Wilson isn't in one of his 'ho-ho-ho' moods today, is he?───威尔逊先生今天怎么不乐呵呵的了?
Provine realized that the reason chimps cannot emit a string of "ho ho ho" is that they cannot make more than a single sound when they exhale or inhale.───普罗文认识到,黑猩猩之所以不能发出一连串的“呵呵呵”声音的原因,在于它们在呼气或吸气时无法发出一个以上的音节。
"We are talking about little kids who do not understand that 'ho, ho, ho' has any other [meaning], " she said. "Leave Santa alone. "───「我们说的是小朋友根本不了解『呵呵呵』的谐音代表什麽意思,」她说:「就放过耶诞老人吧!」
If I went "ho-ho-ho" on a dead man's casket, girl, the crew would tie me up in the hold. With good reason too.───如果我哪天真的去“嗬嗬嗬”坐在死人棺材上,小姑娘,船员们会把我抓起来,捆进货舱里。而且有充分的理由。
GEORGE: [whistles disapproving] Ho ho ho, "Had to" ? "Had to come in" ?───乔治:(不同意)呵呵,“不得不”?“不得不过来”?
All Santa can offer is " HO HO HO" . . . JESUS offers health, help, and hope.───圣诞老人能给我们的只有“嗬,嗬,嗬”……耶稣却给我们健康、帮助和希望。
But the ugly sisters, ho ho ho, they were excited. They couldn't talk about anything else.───但那丑陋的姐妹,喔,她们兴奋异常,忘乎所以。
"Ho, ho, ho, " Santa replied, "and do you want a stuffed one or one of those new electronic ones? "───“唔,唔,唔”圣诞老人回答道:“那你是想要一个填充玩具小猪,还是一个最新电子款的?”
英语使用场景With jingle bells and workshop elves and time to ho , ho, ho.
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