相似词语短语state of graces───魔鬼警长地狱镇(电影名)
stated of grace───魔鬼警长地狱镇(电影名)
states of grace───魔鬼警长地狱镇(电影名)
to state of grace───至恩典状态
stating of grace───魔鬼警长地狱镇(电影名)
days of grace───宽限日期;延付日
state of play───进展情况
state of plays───进展情况
state of siege───戒严状态
双语使用场景Wright and Penn met when they co-starred in the movie "State of Grace".───赖特和佩恩在联袂主演电影《魔鬼警长地狱镇》的时候相识。
You were born into a state of grace.───你出生在一种优美的状态中。
In this temporary state of grace, the heart of woman is revealed a two - inch heel.───在蒙受天恩的短暂时刻, 女性的内心世界表露无遗 —— 那是一双两英寸高的绒面高跟鞋.
This is the state of grace!───她是多么优雅!
The virgin lived in a state of grace.───这位圣女蒙受神恩.
As I hear tell, many woman reach a state of grace at forty.───我听说, 很多女性四十岁就达到一种优雅的境界.
It is in【自家善恶自家真知,待祸败时欺人不得。】 this state of mind when you really are in a state of Grace.───当你真的处在神恩中时,即是在这样的心境中.
Think of love as a state of grace not the means to anything alphaomega.───从这方面看爱情,爱情是一种幽雅,不是达到某种目的的手段,爱情就是全部.
To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness.───对生活不抵抗是指处于一个优雅、安心、轻松的状态。
英语使用场景It is in this state of mind when you really are in a state of Grace.