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way of life

2025-02-27 22:32:18 字典
文章way of life由网友古典情怀投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 way of life 释义 way of life
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ways of life───生活方式

walk of life─【我不希望你来,可是你来了,既然来了,我就要带你走,哪怕是尸体,我也要带回西蜀,做十年的西蜀王妃。】──n.行业;阶层;社会地位

way of lives───生活方式;行为准则

walks of life───各界,各行各业

fact of life───无法更改的事实

jaws of life───救生颚

facts of life───性知识

staff of life───生活必需品

walk of lives───n.行业;阶层;社会地位


His way of life conforms to his income.───他的生活方式与他的收入是相符的.

It would help to end illiteracy and disease, but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life.───这将有助于消除文盲和疾病,但也会扰乱传统的生活方式。

Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians.───采矿已经彻底扰乱了扬诺马米印第安人传统的生活方式。

a settled way of life───安定的生活方式

It is not merely a job, but a way of life.───这不仅仅是一份工作,而且是一种生活方式。

Foreign countries have a different way of life from ours.───外国的生活方式和我们的不同.

People are leaving an agrarian way of life to go to the city.───人们正在放弃农业生活方式而转向城市.

a rural way of life───乡村的生活方式

She likes travelling so much it's become a way of life for her.───她如此喜欢旅游,以至于旅游已经成为她生活的一部分。

He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life.───他没有成功融入到意大利的生活方式中去。

After going to France he soon adopted the French way of life.───他去法国后,很快就接受了法国的生活方式.

Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.───有些外国人很容易被我们的生活方式同化.

Our way of life has changed dramatically over the last ten years.───在过去10年里我们的生活方式发生了巨大的变化.

I should like to break out of this meaningless way of life.───我倒是想摆脱这无聊的生活方式.

His way of life is rather austere.───他的生活方式相当简朴.

She likes it so much it's become a way of life for her.───她太喜欢它了,它已经成为了她生活的一部分。

Each nation has its own customs and way of life.───每个民族都有自己的风俗和生活方式.

由小编古典情怀整理的文章way of life分享结束了,希望给你学习生活工作带来帮助。

