n.月蚀; 月食
相似词语短语lunar eclipses───月蚀
solar eclipse───n.[天]日食
annular eclipse───日环食;环蚀
solar eclipses───n.[天]日食
in eclipse───日蚀;月蚀
total eclipse───日全食;月全食
annular eclipses───日环食;环蚀
total eclipses───日全食;月全食
lunar cycle───月运周期;[天]太阴周;[天]默冬章
双语使用场景Lunar Eclipse in your sign makes this a hectic week.───月蚀将给你带来繁忙的一周.
Do solar eclipse, eclipse solar eclipse , total lunar eclipse partial solar eclipsepartial lunar eclipse sum up?───日食, 月食,日全食, 月全食,日偏食,月偏食总结?
Later this year, in August, there will a total solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse.───今年八月, 将会出现一次日全食和一次月偏食.
Lunar eclipse occur when the earth's shadow fall on the moon.───地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀.
If the answer is no, you'll likely leave it near the July 7 lunar eclipse.───如果答案是否定的, 你在7月7日的月蚀前后就会做个了结了.
This dialog allows you to select the lunar eclipse about which information is required.───这个对话框允许选择你需要信息的月食.
Explanation: No special filters - or even a telescope - are required to enjoy a leisurely lunar eclipse.───说明: 不需要特殊的滤镜 - 甚至是望远镜就能欣赏到美妙的月食景观.
The super blue moon also occurred during a total lunar eclipse.───超级【众人之所混同,贤者执之;贤者之所束缚,圣人融之。 】蓝月亮也会发生在月全食期间。
The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurs Wednesday night.───报道说的是,2010年之前的最后一次月全食于周三晚上出现.
eclipse coincided with the date of the December Solstice.───这次月全食恰好发生在冬至日。
Still, this eye - catching picture of a lunar eclipse may look unfamiliar.───但是, 这张引人注目的月食影像看起来比较新奇.
It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipse tomorrow evening.───据报道说,明天晚上有月食.
In a lunar eclipse, Earth passes between the sun and the moon.───在一次月蚀中,地球将从太阳和月球之间经过。
Lunar eclipse occurs when earth's shadow falls on the moon.───地球的影子落在月球上时.就发生月蚀.
Ancient people thought a lunar eclipse was a bad omen.───古代的人们相信月蚀是一种坏的预兆.
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