向上生长; 长大;成熟; 出现
相似词语短语grown up───长大成人
grows up───成长,逐渐形成
glow up───发光
grew up───成长(growup的过去式)
gross up───补偿费
grow out───出,发芽;拉架子
throw up───呕吐;抛起;匆匆建造;放弃
双语使用场景We have proficient are based on sincere and best service to grow up with all enterprises.───我司具备专业熟练的操作人员,以诚为本,服务至上的经营宗旨与各企业共同发展.
Larger babies tend to score higher on IQ tests when they grow up.───大宝宝长大后在智商测试中成绩较佳.
Terrible ideas are like playground scapegoat, given the right encouragement, they grow up to be geniuses.───坏点子就像操场上的替罪羊, 你给它们适当的鼓励, 它们会成为天才.
These days kids grow up so quickly.───如今孩子们成长得真快。
We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll.───我们不希望她变得像木偶一样头脑简单.
Do you want te be a setter of a world record when you grow up?───当你张大以后你想成为一个世界记录的创造者 吗 ?
Children grow up so fast these days.───如今孩子们长得真快。
But the infrastructure will grow up.───不过,基础设施将发展起来.
Only because you guys had a fight over the election? Grow up!───只因你们为了选举吵了一架? 成熟点吧!
You wished for your child to grow up and leave home with the stereo.───你多希望孩子快点长大成人,带着音响离开家吧.
All plants like to grow up toward the sunlight.───所有的植物都喜欢朝着阳光向上长.
Why don't you grow up?───你怎么就长不大呢?
Grow up, I want to be famous painter to paint the wonderful things.───长大了, 我要当名画家将神奇的事物画下.
Kate was in a hurry to grow up, eager for knowledge and experience.───凯特急于长大,渴望获取知识和经验。
Gradually, we grow up and lose the curiosity.───渐渐的, 我们长大了,失去了好奇心.
Grow up you guys. It's a perfectly natural bodily function.───伙计们快长大吧, 这是完美的自然的身体功能.
I wish the saplings would grow up【只宜行所无事,不可有意立名建功,以求垣赫之誉。】 quickly.───我希望树苗能快快长大.
What is it like to grow up actually with a birth defect?───天生有缺陷又有甚麽感受?
I hope I will be a singer and a violinist when I grow up.───我希望我将是一个歌手和小提琴当我长大了.
For the sake of both them, I grow up in a good environment without any difficulties.───托这两位的福, 我在一个没有困难的环境下长大.
The tree can grow up to 50 ft high.───这种树能长五十英尺高.
You could even put a trellis on your walls and train plants to grow up it.───你甚至可以在墙上搭置棚架,让植物攀缘其上。
Dad, why do I have to grow up?───爸, 为什么我得长大?
Most people are born, grow up and experience the world.───大多数人出生, 成长和体会世界.
She tells her stories subjectively with the same attitude to readers who grow up in China.───面对土生土长的中国人,她也在这样主体性地讲着自己的故事.
No matter what you do, that seed will grow up a peach tree.───不管你怎么付出, 那颗种子究竟还是只会长成一颗桃树.
When the children grow up, the parents grow old.───当孩子们长大时, 父母们便老了.
We will just grow up being superficial and vain. What kind of people will we become?───长大之后浮华不实, 能做个什么样的人 呢 ?
Grow up; act like an adult.───成长, 像一个成人的做事.
Would you like her to grow up feeling she owed you something?───你希望她长大以后,也觉得欠你什么 吗 ?
In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.───在原生境中,木槿能长到25英尺高。
英语使用场景We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll.