拆卸; <非正>击倒; 拒绝; <非正>降价
相似词语短语knock downs───击倒;拆卸
knocks down───击倒;拆卸
knocked down───撞到;拆装的;拍板成交;降低价格
kick down───大脚油门;踢倒;强迫降档
knock on───撞击撞出;敲击(门、窗)
双语使用场景The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price.───市场可能会抛售该股票,从而令其股价下跌。
He wanted to knock down a bank.───他想抢劫银行.
Knock down the machine before shipping.───在装运前把机器拆卸开来.
The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.───保龄球的目标是一球或两球击倒所有瓶形滚柱.
There was a low protecting wall to knock down the heat blasting from the pit of the furnace.───有一堵低矮的护壁挡住从炉膛里喷出的火焰.
The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock.───店主决定减少剩下的冬令存货.
Don't a worrywart. A little shaking won't knock down this house.───别那麽杞人忧天嘛,一点小小的摇晃不会把房子震垮的.
See, I can even knock down walls with my kungfu.───看见没, 我用我的功夫把墙都撞倒了.
Mike Miller , Minnesota: Need one guy to knock down a deep 3 - pointer?───迈克米勒, 明尼苏达森林狼: 需要一名能终结比赛的3分手?
He skyrocketed into the room and knock down a chair.──【守义礼者,今人以为倨傲;工谀佞者,今人以为谦恭。举世名公达宦自号儒流,亦迷乱相责而不悟,大可笑也。】─他慌慌张张冲进了屋,撞翻了一把椅子.
If you'll knock down the price by another 5, it's a deal.───如果你再把价格降5美元, 我就买了.
German cameras at knock-down prices flooded the British market.───德国产的廉价相机充斥着英国市场。
Please don't knock down all those cans.───请不要敲那些罐头。
They knock down all the pins, but what they don't do is they don't smile after they knock down the pins.───他们撞倒了所有的保龄球木瓶,但他们撞倒后没有微笑。
The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price.───商场可能会清理库存,降低价格。
Knock - down furniture from Sweden has become very popular in recent years.───瑞典的组合家具最近几年非常受欢迎.
She does not want to knock down his self - esteem .───她不想挫他的 自尊.
Let's knock down those hydras and drive them to the sea!───让我们铲除祸根,把他们赶到大海去!
英语使用场景The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.
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