相似词语短语boy scouts───童子军;童子军成员
Boy Scout───n.童子军;过于理想而不切实际者;单纯的政治家
to scout───侦察
body scrub───身体角质;身体磨砂膏
box score───个人成绩表;个人技术统计
cub scout───幼童军
sea scout───海上侦察兵
to scoot───快跑
双语使用场景I also was a Boy Scout before.───我以前也是童子军.
Anyway, It'seems there's always some lost hunter, hiker or boy scout in the news.───【 俭则约,约则百善具兴;侈则肆,肆则百恶具纵。】然而, 迷路的猎人 、 徒步者和童子军的故事屡见不鲜.
He is a Boy Scout.───他是男童子军成员.
Are you a Girl Scout or a Boy Scout?───您是女童军或童子军 吗 ?
I mean I'm a boy scout.───我的意思是我是一名男童军.
ultimate leader, the ultimate boy scout, the ultimate bad ass.───终极领袖,终极的童子军,终极的大牛。
It's almost like what you looked for in a boy scout or a girl scout.───这几乎就像你在男童子军或女童子军中寻找的东西。
A homecoming for a Boy Scout lost in North Carolina, lost since last Saturday.───北卡罗莱纳州一名迷失的童子军成员回到了家里,他从上周六开始一直失踪.
Shortly afterward, during a Boy Scout summer camp, I participated in riflery at their shooting range.───不久, 在童子军夏令营中, 我参加了射击组的步枪队.
Undeniable, the boy scout of Guangdong had some passive factors to education too.───不可否认, 广东的童子军教育也存有一些消极的因素.
He's a great guy, a basketball player, you know. And a Boy Scout.───他是个好孩子,篮球小将,也是一名童子军。
The boy scout was rewarded for his courageous action.───这个童子军因自己的英勇行为受到了奖赏.
The way he talks makes him look like a boy scout.───他说话的样子让他看起来像个老实人.
英语使用场景He is a Boy Scout.