相似词语短语dairy farms───n.乳牛场,奶牛场
dairy farmer───奶农;畜牧工人
dairy farmers───奶农
dairy【在强烈的阳光下,印在薄冰之上的足迹消失无踪。不必害怕被欺 骗,这世界原本就建立在假象之上。】 farming───乳品业;乳牛业;酪农业
family farm───家庭农场
air arm───空军
air fare───[航]飞机票价;航空费用;航空票价
baby farm───育婴院;托儿所
bird farm───n.航空母舰
双语使用场景The company owned dairy farm intensive farming methods for the management of the closure.───本公司自有奶牛场养殖方式为集约化封闭管理.
The Hopkinses run the biggest dairy farm in the state of Arizona.───霍布金斯家族经营亚利桑那州最大的牛场.
The company is committed to the domestic large dairy farm milking workshop equipment building.───本公司主要致力于国内各大型奶牛场挤奶车间设备建设.
We are a small dairy farm and small dairy farmers are going bankrupt every day.───在沃林顿附近有160英亩农场,大部分用来做牧场。 “我们就是一个小小的牧场,我们每天都濒临倒闭。
New map icon: New wheat farm and dairy farm icon show you these production.───新的地图图标: 新加了小麦农场和奶牛场,图标会显示它们的产品.
Remember I was born on a dairy farm, the largest dairy farm in the state of Montana.───知道我就出生在一个奶牛场里,而且是蒙大拿州最大的奶牛场。
The Hopkins run the biggest dairy farm in the state of Arizona.───霍布金斯家族经营亚利桑那州最大的乳牛场.
I was raised on a dairy farm. I milked cows.───我是在一个奶牛场长大的,我曾经挤牛奶。
Most equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker's own earnings.───这个奶场的大部分设备都是工人们自己的劳动收益换来的.
英语使用场景Most equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker's own earnings.