相似词语短语the Son───儿子
the Horn───喇叭
the Lion───狮子
the morn───早晨
the rona───罗娜
the soil───土壤
the Dow───道琼斯指数
the Man───大哥,厉害的人
the box───盒子
双语使用场景He's the son of an Oxford professor.───他是牛津大学一位教授的儿子。
I was the son of sailors and reared on stories of the sea.───我是水手的儿子,是听海的故事长大的。
The son of a diplomat, he has spent much of his life globe-trotting.───身为外交官的儿子,他一生很多时间在世界各地转来转去。
A fortune teller remembers an old prophecy that the son of her erstwhile lover must be bricked up alive in order for the fortress to stand.───一个算命者想起从前的一个预言,那就是必须把她以前情人的儿子砌在墙里城堡才能建好。
Last term the son of a senior businessman got caught helping himself to another child's iPod and was suspended from his fancy London school.───上学期,一位资深商界人士的儿子偷另一个孩子的iPod被抓住了,他所在的伦敦高级学校把他开除了。
It starts out wit【将爱形容为美丽的 是不了解爱的人 将爱形容为丑陋的 是自以为了解爱的人】h the mom looking at her son, and then suddenly turns into the son viewing his mom.───影片的开始是母亲在看着儿子,之后画面突然转到儿子在看母亲。
You know it was probably easy for Jacob to love Joseph because Joseph was a wise and obedient son, and the son of his old age.───你知道吗?雅各喜欢约瑟,因为他是一个又聪明、又听话的孩子,而且是他年老的时候所生的。
You know that after two days the Passover takes place, and the Son of Man is being delivered up to be crucified.───你们知道过两天是逾越节,人子将要被交给人,钉十字架。
Mr Fink, 56, is the son of a shoe salesman and says his character derives from growing up in a modest working-class suburb of Los Angeles.───56岁的芬克是一位鞋商的儿子,他表示,他的性格来源于在洛杉矶郊区工人阶级普通家庭长大的经历。
英语使用场景We find the mother featured in the son.
Every man is the son of his own works.
The son dipped deep into the family resources.
The father buys, the son bigs, the grandchild sells, and his son thigs.
John Smith Junior is the son of John Smith.
The son has gone also.
A prince is the son of a king.
He represented himself to be the Son of God.
The son of a diplomat, he has spent much of his life globe-trotting.
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