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walk the walk

2025-03-12 21:55:12 字典
文章walk the walk由网友欢喜躲在眉目里投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 walk th【已经不是你所认识的蓝染队长了吗?很遗憾,那是你的错觉呢,阿散井君,你所认识的蓝染队长从一开始就并不存在!】e walk 释义 walk the walk
walk the walk发音




walk the talk───言出必行;说到做到

talk the talk───说的头头是道

walk the plank───被迫离职;走跳板

all the way───一路上;自始至终

face the wall───面朝墙

wall to wall───遍地皆是

cock of the walk───有威望的领导人

Castle walk───城堡步道

Lambeth walk───n.兰贝斯走步舞(20世纪30年代后期在苏格兰流行的一种舞厅慢步舞)


I Walk the walk alone no matter whether people know at all.───我独自向前走不管别人知不知道.

Talk the talk , walk the walk.───说到做到.

You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?───你说得头头是道,可是你做得到吗?

I walk the walk alone no matter whether people know at all.───我独自向前走不管其他人知不知道.

walk the walk alone to keep my sanity.───独自向前赱,让臫巳保持清醒。

You theand walk the walk when it comes to love so get out and have fun.───面对爱情你可以说到做到,所以放心的出去玩吧.

I walk the walk alone to keep my sanity.───我独自向前走让自己保持清醒.

You know that when I walk the walk alone.───鉨知道当皒独自前行旳时候。

You know that when I walk the walk alone.───你知道当我独自前行的时候.


People are motivated by leaders who actually walk the walk.

I walk the walk alone no matter whether people know at all.

But he's got to walk the walk.

Instead of using bomb, war games, threat, even demonization from of of some countries to China . The Chinese walk the walk to show what responsible country do.

I Walk the walk alone no matter whether people know at all.

由小编欢喜躲在眉目里整理的文章walk the walk分享结束了,希望给你学习生活工作带来帮助。

