相似词语短语into the wind───迎风;逆风
in the wild───在野外,野生的;在自然环境下
in the wind───即将发生;在进行
into the red───负债;财政情况欠佳
into the shade───在阴凉处
into the blue───无影无踪
on the wind【市门,商贾之利衢也。翰林、吏部、台、省,四要路也。】───adv.几乎顶着风
双语使用场景She became so tame it was impossible to release her back into the wild.───她变得如此的温顺,已不可能把她放回野外了.
But often these forays into the wild go awry.───不过,驾驶这种车在野外驰骋,经常会发生各种事故.
Flush with pandas, Wolong is now experimenting with ways of releasing them into the wild.───因为有数量充足的熊猫, 所以卧龙正在开始试验用各种方法让它们回到大自然.
But with a 9-year-old whose camping experience was limited to a few nights in a tent in our front yard, backpacking into the wild seemed impractical.───但是儿子只有9岁,所有的野营经验只是在院子里的帐篷中住过几夜,所以做背包客住在野外行不通。
you brought your user research efforts into the wild?───你的用户研究工作走入旷野了么?
I cast my self into the Wild Hunt.───我将自己抛入这狂野的追猎.
The boy was banished from the kingdom , cast into the wild world to fend for himself.───把王子逐出家园, 流放到荒野中自谋生路.
Constantly tested, tossed into the wild.───他被扔在了野外,接受更多的考验.
Have you brought your user research efforts into the wild?───你的用户研究工作走入旷野了 么 ?
She appeared in Into the Wild and In the Land of Women too, before her big break as Bella Swan.───在她以贝拉一角爆红之前她还演过《荒野生存》和《女人领地》。
英语使用场景But in the past decade, lionfish released into the wild have invaded coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.
Each bird was tagged and released into the wild.
The bears are eventually released into the wild.
When they grew up and went off into the wild I suffered dreadful pangs.
He jabbed a spear into the wild animal.
Three months after he was released into the wild, KP2 swam to the southern shore of Molokai and started befriending wharf dwellers.
The fox was released into the wild when it was old enough to fend for itself.
The animals were released back into the wild when they had recovered.
But often these forays into the wild go awry.