相似词语短语file name───[计]文件名;档案名
profile drags───轮廓曳力;[流][航]型阻;形状阻力
profile plans───剖面图
coffee name───咖啡名称
file names───n.文件名
profile drag───轮廓曳力;[流][航]型阻;形状阻力
双语使用场景The default file locations are all in the same directory: /profiles//properties.───默认文件位置都位于同一个目录中:/profiles//properties。
You must enter a valid profile name.───必须输入有效的简要表名称.
A Notes view containing records of the user's profile, including name, location, address, and zip code.───包含用户信息记录的Notes视图,比如姓名、职位、地址和邮政代码。
your profile name or one of the empty profile slots and choose to create or select a player.───你的档案名或选择一个空的档案,然后选择新建或挑选一个球员。
英语使用场景This name is used as the partition and default profile name, as well.
As with the LPAR name, experience with data center automation techniques has shown the default profile name should correspond with the node name and be an enterprise-wide unique profile name.
By using the node name as the LPAR and default profile name, it enables automation scripts to easily identify the LPAR and profile for manipulation and modification.
More than one profile can be defined for each LPAR, and the name of each additional profile should be a variation on the default profile name.
Enter a profile name for your partition and make sure the Use all the resources in the system check box is unchecked, as shown in Figure 5.
The u【 湿温,冲和之气也;湿热,蒸发之气也;燥热,燔灼之气也;凄凉,杀气,阴壮而阳微也,严寒,敛气,阴外激而阳内培也。】se of wild-card characters in the profile name creates what are known as generic profiles.
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