【别要求战斗应该具备美学 别要求死亡必须遵从美德 别只顾成全一己性命 如果想守护那值得守护的事物 就从背后斩杀那应该斩杀的敌人】
相似词语短语finish lines───终点线,终航线
fish line───n.钓丝
finishing line───(赛跑的)终点线
finishing lines───(赛跑的)终点线
finish with───完成,结束;与…断绝关系
firing line───作战最前线,射击线
fishing line───钓丝,钓鱼线
双语使用场景George saw the recordholder pushing hard for the finish line.───乔治看见那个记录保持者正在向终点线拼命冲刺.
In two or three minutes he will get to the finish line.───再有两三分钟就到终点了.
You want to see a picture of me crossing the finish line?───要看一下我穿过终点线时的照片 吗 ?
As they approached the finish line they were neck and neck.───在抵达终点线时,他们齐头并进.
The two runners reached the finish line at the same time.───这两个运动员同时跑到终点.
We cheered as he neared the finish line.───当他接近终点线时,我们欢呼起来.
Number three had rowed himself out and was slumped over his oar at the finish line.───3号划手已划得精疲力竭了,在到达终点时一头栽倒在他的桨上.
I felt great when I crossed the finish line.───我越过终点线的那一刻,我感觉棒呆了.
Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.───埃利奥特跨过终点线时仅比对手落后半秒钟。
Then all nine linked arms and walked together to the finish line.───然后九个人臂挽着臂一起向终点走去.
As they reached the start-finish line Prost jinked right and drew abreast.───当他们接近起止线时,普罗斯特猛向右转,两辆车并排驶过了终点。
The runners are comeing to the finish line , neck and neck.───赛跑的选手们同时冲向终点.
She held her breath as the horses came toward the finish line.───当马群跑向终点线时,她紧张得屏住了气.
I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry.───我能看见终点线了,我想我终于成功了。
Three horses crossed the finish line together.───3匹马同时冲过终点线。
The night before my marathon, I dreamt that I couldn't even find the finish line.───马拉松的前一晚,我做梦梦到自己找不到终点线了。
They oared strongly across the finish line.───他们奋力划过终点线.
He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.───他扛着自行车走过了终点线。
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