n.(电脑网络上的)聊天室,交谈室( chat room的名词复数 ); [计][WIN]闲聊室
相似词语短语chart rooms───图表室;[船]海图室
chat room───聊天室
coat rooms───衣帽间
chart room───图表室;[船]海图室
coat room───衣帽间
chapter rooms───章节室
双语使用场景Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and other virtual resources.───通过线上信息留言板, 聊天室, 邮件或其他网络方式和他们保持联系.
Games are also often played in chat rooms.───奥运会也常常发挥在聊天室.
A portal typically has search engines and free email and chat rooms etc.───典型的门户网站通常都有搜索引擎、免费邮箱及聊天室等功能.
You also be aware that some chat rooms are adult in nature.───你也应该知道一些聊天室在本质上是成人的.
BCB 6.0 compile a complete network chat rooms source code.───BCB6.0编译通过的完整的网络聊天室源代码.
For example, think of a secure chat application containing a number of chat rooms with several people in each room.───例如,考虑一个包含许多聊天室的安全聊天应用程序,其中每个聊天室都有几个人。
This phenomenon often occurs in chat rooms and forum boards.───这种现象通常发生在聊天室和论坛上.
The community doesn't stop in forums and chat rooms , though.───社区并不仅仅以论坛和聊天室的形式存在.
It would impose stricter control over all Internet traffic, including chat rooms, as well as individual bloggers.───它必定会导致互联网上更为严格的控制,包括聊天室和个人博客。
Industry websites and chat rooms are full of debate about the potential conflicts.───行业网站和聊天室充斥着关于潜在冲突的讨论.
These abbreviations in handy with internet chat rooms when typing out everything just takes too long.───在网上聊天室中,当你被打出所有的字所烦恼时,这些缩写符号就大有用场.
S【年轻人离家十年不算久,上了年纪的人,那就是出门一步即远行。】ome systems also provide special chat rooms , particularly for chats with celebrities.───一些系统还提供特殊的可与知名人士聊天的聊天室.
Best of all, our chat rooms are absolutely free!───最重要的是, 我们的聊天室是绝对免费的!
actions of Ms. Wang and Lin had attracted attention in Internet chat rooms, both were quickly identified by people who recognized the photos of them posted on the Web.───王女士和林先生的行为最初在互联网聊天室中引起注意 然后被相识的人迅速认出 并把他们的照片公诸网络.
Intranet special interest groups and chat rooms.───在图书馆内部网页上建立特别兴趣小组和聊天室.
Predators sometimes lurk in chat rooms.───聊天室有时也隐藏着心怀诡计的人.
Did you 1 try out the chat rooms yet?───苏:你试过网络聊天室了 吗 ?
You also join these chat rooms from our website too.───您也可以加入这些聊天室从我们的网站太多.
英语使用场景In Internet chat rooms, backpackers debate carrying guns and pepper spray.
Did you 1 try out the chat rooms yet?
Across the Internet, chat rooms, Web sites and blogs have sprung up discussing buttock injections.
The comment, the talk of Internet chat rooms, have spawned T-shirts, mugs and even baby romper suits printed with the phrases: "I'm not like you".
Chat rooms on the Internet are a place we can let our hair down and say what we think.
Chat rooms with other travel writers?
They set up private chat rooms on the internet with firewalls to prevent police hackers.
At any given time, these chat rooms are full.
Some of those Internet chat rooms can get you pretty excited.
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