相似词语短语big-bang theory───大爆炸理论
big bang theories───大爆炸理论
big-bang theories───大爆炸理论
band theory───能带理论
big brother───哥哥;老大哥
big brothers───哥哥;老大哥
game theory───[数]博弈论,[数]对策论
双语使用场景In Big Bang theory, the state of the Universe is a singularity in early times, meaning that the Universe was once infinitely small.───在大爆炸理论里,早期宇宙的状态是一个奇点,这意味着宇宙曾经是无穷小的。
Fox had a big idea while visiting girlfriend Eliza Dushku when she filmed her guest 【在老子家乡那边,借人钱财,借你十两就还得还十二三两,我温华的剑,是你教的,我废去全身武功,再还你一条手臂一条腿!】spot on The Big Bang Theory last fall.───福克斯在去年秋季看望当时正在《生活大爆炸》客串的女友爱丽沙·杜什库之际,突然有了一个好主意。
The basic framework is the standard big bang theory for the expansion of the universe.───基本的架构是解释宇宙膨胀的标准大霹雳理论.
In a new book, Hawking says that the Big Bang Theory of Creation did not rely on Divine Intervention.───在一本新书,霍金说,宇宙大爆炸理论的创新并没有对神的依赖干预。
Like I said, I've never seen the show, but I sure love these season 2 promos for THE BIG BANG THEORY that Kaley Cuoco did.───正如我说的,我从来没有看过这个电视,但是我确实喜欢卡蕾措科在第二季中的宣传工作。
The heroes in the American TV drama "The Big Bang Theory" might be the most typical representatives of this group.───美剧《生活大爆炸》中的几位主角应该是“理工男”群体的最典型代表。
VOICE: That might be why I heard reports that the big bang theory had been disproved.───可能因为这个原因,我听说过大爆炸理论已经被否定了。
A form of matter hypothesized by proponents of the Big Bang theory to have existed before the formation of the chemical elements.───原元素(依论)宇宙大爆炸理论中的假设存在于化学物质形成之前的物质形式
George Gamow - one of Friedman's pupils - was the major advocate of the Big Bang theory.───乔治·伽莫夫(GeorgeGamow)-弗里德曼的一个学生-他是宇宙大爆炸理论的主要倡导者。
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