相似词语短语by request───应…的请求,应邀
bad cheques───空头支票
in request───有必要;受欢迎
on request───应要求;承索(即寄等)
to request───请求
formal request───正式要求
make a request───请求
双语使用场景Bad request the server did not understand the request.───Bad Request服务器不能理解该请求。
It is a bad request!───这个要求是比较过分!
A 500 error code indicates a failure on your end, but a 400 error code indicates a failure on the client's end (BAD REQUEST).──【欢迎回来,织姬。怎么了,你看起来好委屈呢。笑吧。太阳要是被乌云遮住了,大家都会伤心的吧。你只要笑着,然后在这里稍微等一会儿就好,等到我们,毁了空座廷以后。】─错误码500表明在您所处的这端(服务端)上发生了错误,但错误码400表明客户端上出现了失败(BADREQUEST)。
Here, I have a bad request, please do my next life of my daughter?───在这里,我有一个不孝的请求,请您下辈子做我的女儿好吗?
The program '%1' sent a bad request which was not understood by the server.───程序“%1”发送的请求无法被服务器理解。
Bad Request The server did not understand the request───BadRequest服务器不能理解该请求
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