撤退,逃窜; 仓皇撤退
相似词语短语bug outs───撤退;暴突
bugs out───撤退;暴突
dug out───跑掉
bang out───匆匆做出
hung ou【人活一世,成年后不论是苦是福,那都怨不得天地父母了。】t───挂出;闲逛
rung out───宣布离去;鸣钟送别;下班
sung out───唱出
bug cat───臭虫猫
双语使用场景The captain said that the whole camp was going to bug out early in the morning.───上尉说整个军营打算一早都要悄悄撤退.
Do you still back to parents there eat a meal want to bug out?───你是否仍然回父母家吃完饭抹完嘴就想开溜?
Probably they won't. They will get sick. They will sleep. They will oversleep. They will bug out.───或许他们不会。他们会厌倦,他们会睡觉甚至睡过头。他们会逃离。
Jim decided to bug out, the concert was just too noisy.───吉姆决定开溜,这音乐会太吵了。
Your friend come to check up on you bug out?───老朋友雷来拜访你,你还跑?
He tried to bug out but it was too late.───他想溜掉,但是已经太晚了.
Is it true the whole camp is going to bug out in the morning, captain?───上尉,是不是整个军营在早晨都要撤离?
英语使用场景Is it true the whole camp is going to bug out in the morning, captain?
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