钻头; 钎头
相似词语短语drill bits───钻头
drill rig───钻机;凿岩机
drill pipe───[油气]钻杆,[油气]钻管;钻探管
drill rigs───钻机;凿岩机
drill ship───钻井船;教练船
drills rig───钻机;凿岩机
双语使用场景The drill bit breaks through the wall and he smiles.───当钻头钻通了墙后,他高兴地笑了。
This sharpener is applicable to sharpening of such cutting tools as mill cutter, reamer, and drill bit, etc.───本磨刀器适用于立铣刀、铰刀 、 钻头等多中刀具的磨削,结构简单 、 操作方便、经久耐用.
Get the special drill bit to bore the correct-size hole for the job.───做这个活儿要拿个特殊的钻头来钻个大小合适的孔。
Are resharpened drill bit inspected and identified prior to use?───钻咀是否在使用前进行检验与确认?
In this paper, trial - manufacture and application of sandwich structure on diamond drill bit were studied.───采用 冷压 成型夹层和加灰(过渡层)热压烧结法制备了一种夹层结构金刚石钻头.
A drill bit used for obtaining core samples in concrete or rock formations.───钻头被用来在水泥或岩层获取岩芯样品.
Uses the special die head , may the diamond drill bit agglutination on the lining.───采用特殊模头, 可以将水钻粘合在面料上.
Lower Wearing of Drill Bit and Punching Die.───机械加工性优秀,对钻孔、冲模磨损小.
The drill bit forces the actuating lever down and centres the guide plate.───钻头趋势驱动杠杆向下并且对中导向板.现在就可以拧紧螺栓.
A two foot - lo【曲木恶绳,顽石恶攻,责善之言不可不慎也。】ng drill bit tipped the end of a brontosaurus - like creature's long neck.───一枚两英尺长的钻头在一头 状 似雷龙的大家伙的长颈一端咬了一口.
Drill your holes using a drill bit that is the same diameter as your screws.───用钻机钻出和你的螺丝一样口径的洞。
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