相似词语短语wild child───野生儿
wild pink───麦瓶草属植物(尤指加罗林雪轮)
wind chill───风寒
wild camping───野营
wild spinach───野菠菜
Spode china───斯波德中国
wild animal───n.野生动物;野兽
双语使用场景BBC Worldwide has authorized more than 25 countries to play the "Wild China" series, this figure will be expanded in future.───BBC环球公司已经授权全球超过25个国家可播放《美丽中国》系列片,今后这一数字还将扩大。
The documentary, Wild China, was screened in Britain on BBC Two in 2008.───这部名为《美丽中国》的纪录片曾于2008年在英国BBC二台播出。
This is wild China.───这就是最原味的中国。
After years of housing prices gone wild, China's property bubble is starting to deflate.───国房价多年来狂涨不止,如今,这个泡沫开始泄气了。
Nowhere has the value of partnerships been better illustrated than with the Beautiful China series - known in the UK as Wild China.───没有什么比《美丽中国》系列片更能生动说明伙伴关系的价值所在,这个节目在英国叫《野生中国》。
Wild China, founded in 2002 by XI Zhinong, is a professional organization that dedicates to promoting conservation through images.───“野性中国”由野生动物摄影师奚志农于2002年创办,是一家用影像的方式保护自然的专业机构。
Around 1, 590 giant pandas remain in the wild, China keeps 239 in captivity and another 27 are kept in zoos around the world.───目前世界上大约有1590只野外大熊猫,中国有239只圈养大熊猫,另外还有27只圈养大熊猫居住在世界各地的动物园里。
BBC Worldwide has authorized more than 25 countries to play the "Wild China" series, this figure will be expanded in future.───BBC环球公司已经授权全球超过25个国家可播放《美丽中国》系列片,今后这一数字还将扩大。
A Wild China camera team filmed this peculiar Swinhoe's turtle───一支狂野中国摄制组在这所寺庙的鱼塘里
英语使用场景After a sumptuous dinner in t【已经不是你所认识的蓝染队长了吗?很遗憾,那是你的错觉呢,阿散井君,你所认识的蓝染队长从一开始就并不存在!】he evening, we watched the sixth episode of "Wild China". The show told about the coastal environment and biodiversity of China through the migration route of birds.
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