愉快地, 高兴地, 没问题; 欣然
相似词语短语to pleasure───为了快乐
guilty pleasure───罪恶快感
high pressure───高压,[气象]高气压;高度紧张
pure pleasure───纯粹的快乐
with ease───熟练地;不费力地
simple pleasure───简单的快乐;简单的满足
great pleasure───极大的快乐;非常荣幸
双语使用场景I don't like to mix business with pleasure, but try to keep the two things fairly apart.───我不爱把做生意和娱乐这两件事混为一谈, 而是设法把这两件事严格地区分开来.
He accepted the invitation with pleasure.───他高兴地接受了邀请.
Don't mix business with pleasure.───不要把工作和娱乐搀和在一起。
I will help you with pleasure.───我很乐意帮助你.
I'd do it with pleasure, only I am too busy.───我很乐意做此事, 不过我太忙.
You can't mix business with pleasure.───你不能把工作和娱乐搅在一起。
I'll do it with pleas【坐对明灯,不可以见暗。而暗中人见对灯者甚真,是故君子贵处幽。】ure ,'said India and her eyes glittered.───"英迪亚说, 眼里也闪出了光亮.
The trip will combine business with pleasure.───此次旅行将把出差和娱乐结合起来。
You can't mix business with pleasure.───你不能把工作和娱乐混在一起。
His scarred face crumpled with pleasure.───他那张疤脸高兴得皱了起来。
His face lit up with pleasure.───他的脸上散发着喜悦.
Beaming with pleasure , he raised an imaginary cup to his lips.───他作举杯就口的样子,迷迷地笑着.
Ted managed to mix business with pleasure.───特德设法做到了工作与娱乐两不误。
The dog wagged its tail with pleasure.───那条狗高兴得直摇尾巴.
He beamed with pleasure at seeing her.───看到她,他眉开眼笑.
"Could you photocopy the advert and put it in the post to us?"— 'With pleasure John.'───“你能把广告影印一下寄给我们吗?”——“当然可以,约翰。”
Her eyes glowed with pleasure.───她的眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒.
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