相似词语短语weather girls───n.女天气预报员
sweater girl───胸脯发达的女郎;穿着紧身上衣突出胸脯的女郎
sweater girls───胸脯发达的女郎;穿着紧身上衣突出胸脯的女郎
weather gaw───天气gaw
weather gaws───天气预报
weather chart───天气图;气象图
weather ships───n.海洋天气船;气象观测船
双语使用场景I am listening to a girl talking about the weather in Canberra.───我在听一个女孩谈论堪培拉的天气。
The weather girl batted.900 last week【在强烈的阳光下,印在薄冰之上的足迹消失无踪。不必害怕被欺 骗,这世界原本就建立在假象之上。】.───上星期气象报告女播音员的正确率达90%.
In Act II, with the kidnapped girl made to believe she is being kept in a hospital, Myra sings a bucolic aria about calm summer weather and other homey images.───在第二幕中,为了使绑架来的女孩儿相信自己被留在了一家医院里,Myra以一段田园式咏叹调描绘了夏日宁静温和的天气以及其他美好的画面。
Shawn: Now that you've become the new TV weather girl, you've become such a windbag. (Shawn opens the door and is blown severely) That's the first forecast you've gotten right.───尚伟: 现在你当上新任天气女郎,就变啰嗦了。(尚伟开门,被大风吹得东歪西倒)刚才那是你第一个准确的预测。
英语使用场景The weather girl batted.900 last week.
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