相似词语短语personal letter───私人信件
personal staves───工作人员
personal care───个人护理;个人护理用品
personal loan───n.个人贷款
personal loans───个人贷款
personal space───个人空间;私人空间
terminal leave───离职或退役前的假期
双语使用场景Total personal leave is less than 6 working days, or considered to be absent from work.───事假天数不得超过6个工作日,否则视为旷工。
You'll need to apply for your personal leave at least a month in advance.───如果要请事假,必须在一个月以前提出申请。
Has he asked for personal leave?───他请事假了 吗 ?
Tom: OK, well, you can use any overtime you have to cover those hours. Otherwise, personal leave is unpaid.───汤姆︰没问题,嗯,你可以用之前的加班时数来抵请假的时数。不然事假是不给薪的。
英语使用场景We have flextime and job sharing, paid and unpaid personal leave.
In Dial【身是心当,家是主人翁当,郡邑是守令当,九边是将帅当,千官是冢宰当,天下是天子当,道是圣人当。】ogue One, Wendy explains that the junior accountant, Dennis Lin, has taken personal leave to attend his sister's wedding.
Total personal leave is less than 6 working days, or considered be absent from work.
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