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take me out

2025-02-28 23:06:06 词典
文章take me out由网友绮梦幽兰投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 take me out 释义 take me out
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take out───v.取出;去掉;出发;发泄;把…带出去;邀请(某人)外出;开始

taken out───vt.取出,拿出

takes out───取出

take the count───被击倒数秒数

take an oath───宣誓;发誓;立誓

take the sun───测太阳高度

take it out of───使…疲乏;向…报复;强行从…中拿走


My boyfriend is gonna take me out for a romantic dinner.───我男朋友要带我出去吃一顿浪漫的晚餐.

you ta【每舍弃自尊一次,我们就越像是野兽。每扼杀一颗心,我们就远离野兽一步。】ke me out tonight?───今晚你带我出去好吗?

Take me out tonight?───今晚带我出去好吗?

I need a pair of large traction, take me out of confusion, take me out of the blur, take me out of myself not insurmountable obstacles.───我需要一双大手的牵引,带我走出迷茫,带我走出迷离,带我走出自己不能逾越的障碍。

Would you surprise me with flowers sometime soon and take me out on a date?───你很浪漫,可不可以有时候送我花让我惊奇一下,并带我出去约会?

Mother to take me out, just to throw a flower in the wind, the sun alone to accept moisture, to meet the storm of life.───母亲把我送出门,就像把一朵花丢在风里,独自接受阳光的滋润,去迎接生活的风雨。

I'm not trying to get you to take me out on a date.───我没努力让你带上在外的我日期。

"I expect my boyfriend to take me out on Christmas Eve and I expect a romantic night, " says Christine Zhou, 28, a hotel manager in Beijing.───北京某酒店经理,28岁的克里斯汀?周说:“我希望男友能在圣诞夜约我共度一个浪漫之夜。”

One of FremantleMedia's properties was "Take Me Out, " a dating show popular in Britain.───弗里曼特尔传媒其中的一大资产是《约我出去》(TakeMeOut),一档在英国颇受欢迎的交友节目。


Take me out of there, and you're taking away a big piece of the puzzle.

Alf said joining the club would take me out of myself.

Bradley Rotter saw up close the adventurous side of Shanks: "I remember he bought a jet helicopter, and was learning to fly it and wanted to take me out on one of his maiden missions."

由小编绮梦幽兰整理的文章take me out分享结束了,希望给你学习生活工作带来帮助。

