quietly confident───沉稳自信
双语使用场景Success is self confident , failure fear the stronger others.───成功者不生气而是争气, 失败者生气而不争气.
They know how to keep a good mood, good life, let self confident.───她们知道保持一个美好的心境,善待生活,让自已充满自信。
It was also a work with a self - confident esthetic style.───它形成了自身鲜明的美学品格.
He felt quite out of place in such self - confident, arrogant company.───在这批心满意得的人们面前,他真感得无地自容.
I hope that he will soon have other chances because the more he plays the more he gets self confident.───我希望他可以尽快得到更多出场机会,因为只有打的比赛越多,他才越自信。
Self - confident , ambitious and positive, Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to do well.───葆拉自信、乐观 、 有抱负,且相当有主见,她肯定会有所成就.
I am quite self - confident that I can again go beyond myself.───我很 自信,我可以再超越自我.
Lead hard of professional tech【六合之内,有一事一物相凌夺假借,而不各居其正位,不成清世界;有匹夫匹妇冤抑愤懑,而不得其分愿,不成平世界。】nical ability is my self - confident foundation.───过硬的专业技能是我 自信 的基础.
Envy can calumniatory others, oneself lose self - confident heart again.───妒忌会中伤别人, 自己又失去 自信心.
Beneath her self - confident surface , she's quite unsure of herself.───她看上去信心十足, 实际上很缺乏信心.
He impressed us with his self - confident , humorous and witty conversations.───他留下深刻的印象,我们与他的 自信, 幽默和风趣的谈话.
Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident.───个子高会使你感觉极其自信。
Stubborn, self - confident Guo Zhenshan has never gone crawling to anyone.───坚强 、 自信 、有气魄的郭振山,实在说,永远也不会向人低三下四啊!
Self confident woman who belief in her own style.───她是个自信的女子,坚持她自己的风格.
Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.───他们很有创造力,喜欢流行的事物,喜欢成为焦点而且表现的很自信。
Good interpersonal skills, Self - driven personality, positive thinking and self - confident.───优良的人际沟通能力, 自励的个性, 积极性和自信心.
The more ideas you have, the more self - confident you are.───越有主见的人, 越有自信.
He was managing everything in a self - confident and masterful fashion.───他用一种 自信 的、指使人的态度安排每件事情.
英语使用场景When Jack went away Piggy became more self confident and practical.
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