n.摇摆舞; 摇摆乐; 摇滚乐
相似词语短语rock and rolls───摇滚乐
rocks and roll───摇滚乐
rock and roller───岩石和压路机
rocked and roll───摇滚乐
rock 'n' roll───n.摇滚乐
rocking and roll───摇滚乐
to rock and roll───摇滚乐
双语使用场景Gus : I thought you said he was a rock and roll star.───我以为你说过他是个摇滚明星.
I have loved rock and roll music since I was a chellold.───自从我是一个小孩儿,我就喜欢摇滚乐.
Most young people are hooked on the rock and roll.───大多数青年对摇滚乐有偏好.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opens in Cleveland , Ohio.───1995年的今天,摇滚名人堂在俄亥俄州开放.
They can rock and roll, they can tango, but they can't bop.───他们会跳摇滚,会跳探戈,就是不会跳博普舞。
The rock and roll ignites the excitement of the audience.───摇滚乐激起了观众的热情.
You taste just like glitter Mixed with rock and roll.───你带著绚丽闪耀的摇滚风味.
Lt . Walker : He was a retired rock and roll star.───他是个退隐的摇滚明星.
I dig rock and roll music.───我欣赏摇滚乐.
Comedy is the new rock and roll.───表演风头直追摇滚乐。
HAs loved rock and roll music since I were a child.───自从我是一个小刚出【一句话是真正功夫在棋外,一句是棋下得再好,也就那么回事,会下棋和会做人,天壤之别。】生的孩子,我就喜爱摇滚乐.
He remains a towering figure in rock and roll.───他仍是摇滚乐界的一位杰出人物。
Country music was undoubtedly one of the forerunners of rock and roll.───乡村音乐无疑是摇滚乐的先导之一。
The king of rock and roll. Enough said.───摇滚乐之王,不用多说了.
And what would a shrine to rock and roll music be without performers?───又有什么样的摇滚音乐圣地能没有表演 呢 ?
The rock and roll giant star and the music lover destiny can be what kind of?───摇滚巨星及乐迷命运又会是怎样?
No one thinks of early rock and roll without thinking of Elvis Presley.───人们一想到早期的摇滚乐准会想到普雷利斯.
They have simply misunderstood what rock and roll is.───他们根本没有理解什么是摇滚乐。
Rhythm and blues mutated into rock and roll.───节奏布鲁斯演变成为摇滚乐。
I attempted a classic rock and roll quiff.───我尝试着做了一个经典的摇滚飞机头。
In the sixties, rock and roll was the spirit of the time.───在60年代, 摇滚是那个时代的灵魂.
Our rock and roll band features two drummers, two guitarists, and a singer.───我们的摇滚乐团主要包括两名鼓手 、 两名吉他手及一名主唱.
How to become the rock and roll art, is we now diligently.───如何将摇滚乐变得更加艺术化, 是我们现在正努力的.
SECOND LOVE: Music, ranging from gospel to rock and roll.───业余爱好: 从福音音乐到摇滚乐都喜欢.
So can artists whose music came before rock and roll, but influenced its development.───艺术家们的音乐也会先于摇滚乐出现, 但是对它的发展有影响.
She is crazy about rock and roll.───她喜欢摇滚乐.
英语使用场景He melded country music with blues to create rock and roll.
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