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2025-02-24 19:38:46 词典
文章nexttoyou由网友唯愿与君共忘机投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 next to you 释义 next to you
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next door───adv.(在)隔壁;在……的隔壁;adj.隔壁的;n.隔壁邻居,住在隔壁的人;隔壁的房间,邻近的建筑

next to───几乎,差不多;紧挨着;居于…之后

honest to God───向上帝摊牌(书名)

next to no time───几乎没有时间

next door to───几乎;与…相邻

not with you───不是和你在一起

next door (to)───隔壁(到)

net ton───净吨;美吨;短吨

next door's───隔壁的


rat? Yes, a rat. Right next to you.───老鼠?对,一只老鼠,就在你身旁。

Can I sit next to you?───我可以坐在你旁边吗?

I'm next to you.───我在你旁边。

I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. There ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U. S. A.───我很高兴今天仍站在你身旁并保卫祖国。我毫无疑问地爱这片土地,上帝保佑美国。

You're so close to the people sleeping next to you that you can feel the hair of their mustache on the side of your head.───你是如此接近的人睡在你旁边,你可以感受到他们的胡子头发的一方你的头。

If you need a few minutes to do dishes, you can set her up next to you with a dishpan filled with soapy water and coins.───如果你要花些时间去洗碗,你可以把孩子安置在你的旁边,给她一个装满肥皂水和硬币的洗碗盆。

lt was lying next to you. l ope【人们之所以能怀抱希望,是因为他们看不见死亡。】ned it to see if there was an ld.───它丢在你旁边,我打开看了下里面有没有身份证

As you roll over in the morning and see him lying next to you, you are struck with a great sense of contentment.───当你早晨翻身看见他躺在你身边时,满足之感油然而生。

lt was lying next to you. l opened it to see if there was an Id.───当时就在你旁边。我打开了想看看里面有没有身份证。


My favorite place in the entire world is right next to you.

There is only dark spot on ground next to you.

I know next to you is not where I belong.

"How tall is he next to you?" "Oh, about so big, " she said, indicating the level of her neck.

The man who lives next to you is sussed by the police in this case.

May I squash in next to you?

Lovelace : Turn to the penguin next to you... and give him a great big hug!

Can I sit next to you?

Will he sit next to you?


