相似词语短语pearly queen───珍珠女王
pearly queens───珍珠皇后。
beauty queen───选美大赛王后,第一美女
May queen───n.五月皇后(被选为五朔节庆祝活动女王的少女)
fairy queen───仙女皇后
party guest───派对嘉宾
party men───政党党员
b【我是因为想保护而保护,赌上我的灵魂!】eauty queens───选美大赛王后,第一美女
fairy queens───仙女皇后
双语使用场景As an infamous party queen, she hardly 8 goes out of her way to clear up her bad-girl image.───作为一个臭名昭著的派对女王,她从不怎么尽心努力去洗脱自己的“坏女孩”形象。
The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh have left for home and turned the palace over to the party goers.───女王和爱丁堡公爵已经回家,将宫殿留给参加派对的人。
The children had to compete with MEPs from the United Kingdom Independence Party, who started singing "God Save the Queen".───合唱的孩子们得和来自英国独立党的欧洲议员们一争高下,他们唱的是《天佑女王》。
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