相似词语短语speaks out───畅所欲言;大胆地说;大声地说
;eak out───v.爆发;突发freak out───使处于极度兴奋中;崩溃
seek out───找出;搜出;想获得
soak out───v.浸泡出
speak up───更大声地说;无保留地说出
spell out───讲清楚
双语使用场景Speak out in the presence of everyone.───当着大家谈.
I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me.───我并不认为自己莽撞,因为无论什么事令我不安我就说出来,对我这一直以来是很自然的事。
I hope people will be courageous enough to speak out against this injustice.───我希望人们能敢于大胆说出来,反对这种不公。
No one dared to speak out against the injustice.───没人敢对不公正行为表示公开反对.
If you disagree you should speak out.───如果不同意,你就该大声地说出来.
I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me.───我不觉得我有什么唐突,因为我素来心直口快,有什么烦心的都会说出来。
Speak out, my boy--don't be diffident.───说出来吧,孩子——别害怕。
He has the courage to speak out what he thinks right.───他敢于说出他认为正确的东西.
Speak out. Don't just brood over things.───你有什么事就说吧, 别圈在心里.
Come on, Tom, speak out straight once in your life.───求求你, 汤姆, 你一辈子说话拐弯抹角,这一次就请直话直说吧.
'speak out, my boy -- don't be diffident.───“ 说出来吧, 孩子 —— 别害怕.
Speak out of turn, and an informer reports you.───你稍微不慎说了一点不适宜的话, 会有人打小报告.
He said other things I cannot speak out for shame.───他还说了些我羞于启齿的话.
He is not afraid to speak out his mind.───他不怕把自已的想法谈出来.
Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.───道格拉斯沉默不语,不愿谈论政治敏感问题。
I feel suffocated if I don't speak out.───骨鲠在喉,一吐方快.
If you have any objections, just speak out.───如果你有什么反对意见, 就爽快地说出来.
I am going to speak out against the committee's decision.───我打算直言反对委员会的决定.
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