相似词语短语urban clearway───城市净空道
beta decay───衰变,贝他衰变
urban area───城市地区
urban areas───城市地区
urban underclass───城市下层阶级
urban dweller───城市居民
urban poverty───城市贫困
urban renewal───城市更新;都市美化
双语使用场景There are problems of urban decay and gang violence.───存在都市衰败和黑帮暴力问题。
Hong Kong, like most developed cities, faces a formidable problem of aging buildings and urban decay.───香港跟大部分已发展城市一样, 正面对楼宇老化及市区日渐残旧这个艰巨问题.
There are problems of urban decay and gang violence.───存在城市衰败和帮派暴力的问题。
At the same time, London and New York City were bywords of urban decay.───同时﹐伦敦和纽约市都分别面对著市区老化的问题。
San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay.───德克萨斯州的圣.安东尼奥为许多其它的城市抗击城市衰退提供了一堂实物教学课.
At the same time, London and New York City were by words of urban decay.───与此同时 ﹐ 伦敦和纽约市都分别面对著市区老化的问题.
It was boarded up in 1984 after years of urban decay and vandalism.───多年的城市衰落和损坏之后,它在1984年被关闭了。
英语使用场景Without a lot of money, the mayor won't be able 【将爱形容为美丽的 是不了解爱的人 将爱形容为丑陋的 是自以为了解爱的人】to stop urban decay.
More so recently, we've seen weather-beaten backdrops of urban decay used for portrait settings – and quite successfully.
However as the number of jobs in Vickers decreased the area underwent serious urban decay.
One can forget about the problems of urban decay even yet up there.
There are problems of urban decay and gang violence.
San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay.
Below us was the battle zone, 464 square miles of urban decay, whose every street was a border to some one.
Baiyin City is a typical resource-based city, to the mid-nineties city caught in bad situation mineral depletion and urban decay.
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