相似词语短语strike prices───执行价格
striking price───n.定约价;协定价格,履约价格
sticker price───n.标价;定价
bride price───彩礼,聘礼
stock price───[金融]股票价格;股票行市;交易所卖价
street price───场外价格;场外行情
strike fire───打火
strike force───致命打击;[军]打击力量
strike plate───防冲击板;捎板
双语使用场景Put breakeven equals the strike price minus the premium.───卖出期权的收支平衡等于执行价减去期权【真机、真味要含蓄,休点破。其妙无穷,不可 言喻,所以圣人无言。】金.
Options can soar in value if the stock price rises above the purchase, or strike, price.───如果股票价格超过预定价格或是履约价格, 期权的价值就会飙升.
problem comes when the market crashes and prices drop below the strike price of the option.───但当市场崩溃、资产价格跌落到行权价格以下时,问题就出现了。
At expiration, equal to the futures or stock price minus the strike price of the call.───到期日价格, 等于远期价格或股票价格减看涨期权履约价格.
At expiration, equal to the strike price minus the futures price.───在期权合同到期时, 等于执行价格减去期货价格.
The strike price and the interest rate is solved, using simulated annealing.───最后, 应用模拟退火算法,求解贴现价格、履约价格.
I sold the Goldman Sachs calls strike price of $ 125.───我出售高盛看涨期权时的执行价是125美元.
At expiration, equal to the futures price minus the strike price of the call.───在有效期内, 等同于期货价格减去期权执行价.
is unclear what the strike price will be.───还不清楚履约价格会多高。
Call breakeven equals the strike price plus the premium.───买入期权收支平衡点等于执行价加上期权金.
lower two strike prices are used in the bull spread, and the higher strike price in the bear spread.───在牛市价差中使用较低的两个执行价格,在熊市价差中使用较高的执行价格。
英语使用场景In the money: The state of an option when the price of the underlying asset is higher (in the case of a call option) or lower (in the case of a put option) than the option's strike price.
I sold the Goldman Sachs calls strike price of $ 125.
When the strike price of an option is equal to (or nearly equal to) the market price of the underlying security, we call this option is at the money.
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