相似词语短语singing game───唱游
spinning frames───[纺]细纱机,精纺机;精纱机
singing career───歌唱事业
singing voices───歌喉;歌声
kissing gates───窄门,(仅供一人通过的)U形或V形旋转的小门
playing games───玩游戏
rhyming games───押韵游戏
skin games───(美)骗局;诈欺
waiting games───伺机而动的策略
双语使用场景Playing games and singing songs provide the opportunity for classroom interaction.───玩游戏和唱歌提供了课堂互动的机会。
The yule log was either dragged by the people of one farmstead or several neighbours together. this was accompanied by songs singing games and various sounding instruments.───届时由某个家庭的成员或几家邻居共同拖拉圣诞节原木,伴有歌声、唱歌游戏和各种声乐器具。
On the way, they were singing and playing games.───在去的路上,他们唱歌,游戏。
Primary and secondary school students English classes a week, singing, games lasting interest in students.───小学生每周英语课,唱歌,游戏培养学生持久兴趣。
There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts.───有音乐、舞蹈、歌【故宇宙内几桩大事,学者要挺身独任,让不得人,亦与人计行止不得。 】唱和交换礼物的活动。
英语使用场景There were singing, games, dancing and pantomimes.
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