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dancing girl

2025-02-07 22:10:35 词典
文章dancing girl由网友破浪投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 dancing girls 释义 dancing girls
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dancing girl───舞女(以伴人跳舞为业的女人)

marching girls───游行的女孩

dancing class───舞蹈班

dancing shoes───跳舞鞋(dancingshoe的复数)

fencing wires───围栏铁丝

marching girl───n.行军女队

working girls───女工

dancing partners───舞伴

bunny girls───兔装女郎


The groom is grandly welcomed by dancing girls and men playing the drum and gong chimes.───新郎在跳舞的女孩、打鼓和吹风铃的男人中受到隆重欢迎。

Fans were treated to fireworks and dancing girls at grounds.───球迷们受到款待,他们可以欣赏到球场里的焰火和啦啦队表演。

The leaves were shooting high above the water like the skirts of slim dancing girls.───的荷塘上面,弥漫的是田田的叶子。 叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。

Paralympic Games in Beijing, the most touching scene of me are: the dancing girls with disabilities.───在北京残奥会上,最令我感动的一幕是:那个翩翩起舞的残疾女孩。

which rose high out of the water like the flared skirts of dancing girls.───叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。

AS Baoyu sipped it, twelve dancing girls stepped forward to ASk what they should perform.───饮酒间,又有十二个舞女上来,请问演何词曲。

The leaves were shooting high above the water like the skirts of slim dancing girls.───叶子高高的挂在水面上,像是苗条的跳着舞的女孩的裙子。

The forerunners of the female geisha were the teenage odoriko ( "dancing girls" ): expensively-trained as chaste dancers-for-hire.───女性艺妓的前身是十几岁的odoriko(“舞女”):她们是花费了大量的金钱进行培训,用以被聘的纯洁的舞者。

Some viewers looked mildly embarrassed when Chinese dancing girls appeared in scanty silver costumes.───当女伴舞们穿着很露的银色舞衣出场时,一些观众看起来有些尴尬。


Steen continued presenting revues, with an increasing reliance on scripted comedy rather than just dancing girls, until the outbreak of war.

Her latest musical extravaganza features fifty dancing girls and live horseson stage.

Its rally in Phnom Penh was graced by dancing girls and a large group of white-robed nuns.

He said ancient Athenians may have honed the art of flirtation at drinking parties known as symposia , drinking parties 【凡事豫则立,此五字极当理会。】where men flirted with dancing girls among other entertainment.

The election saw most of the staples of Taiwanese elections, including rowdy campaign trucks and flag-waving mass rallies with skimpily clad dancing girls.

Naked Balinese dancing girls held tankards of ale to his lips.

But their conversation had now turned from war and politics to amusements-roulette, bordellos, greyhound racing, romantic Turkish baths, dancing girls, film stars.

Is a no girls missish, no girls dancing girls.

Fifty thousand dancing girls lying cheek to jowl in a battered straw suitcase.

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