相似词语短语short of───缺乏;不足;除…以外
sort out───挑选出;分类
out of───由于;缺乏;自……离开;用……(材料)
shut of───闭嘴
smart off───智能关闭
sort code───银行代码;分类代码
sort outs───挑选出;分类
sorts out───挑选出;分类
start off───出发,开始
双语使用场景He's an old soldier at that sort of thing.───他是那一行的老手.
She's obviously had some sort of cosmetic surgery.───她显然做过某种美容术.
It is the last time I will take on this sort of work.───这将是我最后一次干这种工作了。
There must be changes in the law quickly to stop this sort of thing ever happening to anyone else.───我们必须迅速修订法律,以杜绝此类事情发生在其他人身上。
What sort of anybody are you?───你算老几?
It's a funky sort of rhythm.───这种节奏有些乡土爵士乐风格。
She's a sensible sort of person.───她属于那种通情达理的人。
Fancy his doing that sort of thing and then having the nerve to talk about it!───做了这种事,亏他还好意思说呢!
It's a funky sort of rhythm.───这是一种音低节奏强的旋律。
Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of chap.───马丁是个不爱讲话、喜欢沉思默想的小伙子。
His face assumed a sort of dreamy expression.───他脸上现出一种恍惚的表情。
That sort of thing is quite continual.───这种事经常有.
She saw him as a sort of surrogate father.───在她心目中,他仿佛是能替代父亲角色的人。
He's a reasonable sort of person.───他是那种通情达理的人。
Nowadays that sort of innocence is in short supply.───现在那种天真烂漫很少见。
We found him to be the right sort of timber.───我们发现他是真正的人才.
He is not the sort of man who would go back on his word.───他不是那种说话不算数的人.
That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election.───工党那点斩获远不足以让他们赢得大选。
It's the sort of thing that would be very difficult to prove in any modern court of law.───这属于那种任何现代法庭都很难证明的事情。
The car's got some sort of engine trouble again.───车子的引擎又出了什么故障.
It sort of frightens me. I guess I am kind of freaked out by it.───它让我有点害怕。我想我可能被它弄得心里有些发毛。
I'm a cheery sort of【不与居积人争富,不与进取人争贵,不与矜饰人争名,不与简傲人争礼,不与盛气人争是非。】 person, so I like cheerful tones.───我是个活泼类型的人,因此喜欢明亮的色调。
I'd sooner die than do this sort of thing.───叫我做这种事,倒不如叫我死.
He is a good sort ( of a fellow ) .───他是个 好样儿的.
I really feel aggrieved at this sort of thing.───我真为这种事感到委屈。
It was a joke, of course, but surely a rum sort of joke?───这当然是个玩笑,但是这个玩笑也太奇怪了吧?
I don't much care for that sort of man.───我不太喜欢那种人.
He's the sort of person who thrives on hard work.───他是那种以刻苦工作为乐的人.
This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors.───在微处理机问世之前这种工作是难以想象的.
The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation.───英语中有句俗语生动地描绘了这种情景.
英语使用场景She's a very jolly, upbeat sort of a person.
He had grown unused to this sort of attention.
Bamboo is a sort of hollow plant.
Doesn't this sort of work fag you out?
He wasn't a very prepossessing sort of person.
He seemed like a decent sort of a fellow.
Let early education be a sort of a musement; you will then be bette able to find out the natural bent.
What sort of substance could withstand those temperatures?
There were snacks-peanuts, olives, that sort of thing.