相似词语短语drug traffickers───毒品贩子
drug trafficking───贩毒;毒品走私
air traffic───空中交通,航空运输;飞航
city traffic───市内交通;城市交通
direct traffic───直接流量,联运
双语使用场景A fugitive drug trafficker was captured after two decades on the run.───一名逃亡的毒贩在逃亡二十年后被捉拿归案了.
Months ago Mr Selebi admitted to being a friend of Glen Agliotti, a drug trafficker who was implicated in the murder in 2005 of a shady mining magnate.───几个月前塞莱比承认自己是大 毒枭埃格鲁提的朋友,而埃格鲁提涉嫌05年谋杀了一个神秘的矿业大亨。
Born as an orphan, subject grew up to become an illegal drug trafficker and narcotics addict.───身为孤儿, 个体在长大后成为毒贩,本身也染上毒瘾.
A drug trafficker was arrested by the police yesterday.───一名贩毒分子昨日被警方捕获.
The tormenting tough issue made the drug trafficker with tragic trait of character toss and turn.───这个令人痛苦的棘手问题使那个有悲剧性性格特点的毒贩辗转反侧.
Police said they believed the attack was in retaliation for the death of the drug trafficker.───警察说他们认为这次袭击是针对那个毒犯的死实施的报复。
The 【并没有人一开始就站在天上 不论是你或是我,就连神也是 但这天之王座的空窗期也要结束了 从今以后,由我立于顶端】drug trafficker is concerned about the condition of the traditional concert.───毒品贩子担心传统音乐会的状况.
The drug trafficker is concerned about the condition of the traditionalconcert.───这个药品商人很关心传统音乐会的条件。
Days later, a new BMW X5 SUV, with a bow on top, was left outside her home by the same drug trafficker who was trying to woo her.───几天后,就是这位向她求爱的毒贩在她家门口停放了一辆全新的宝马X5 SUV车,车顶上还用绸带打了一个结。
The drug trafficker is about the condition of the traditional concert.───毒品贩子担心传统乐曲会的状况.
A violent drug trafficker in Colombia is behind bars in a luxurious prison in his hometown.───哥伦比亚一名暴戾的运毒犯关在他家乡的一所豪华监狱里.
Jamaican police arrested Christopher Coke, an alleged drug - trafficker and gang leader.───牙买加警方已经逮捕毒品贩及帮会头目克里斯多夫?科克.
Mike: Did you hear about Hello Kitty being a drug trafficker?───麦可: 你听说有人用凯蒂猫来从事毒品交易 吗 ?
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