相似词语短语decent shape───像样的外形
decent wage───不错的工资;体面的工资
different size───不同大小;不同尺寸
ancient site───古遗址
decent bloke───像样的街区
双语使用场景We've now reached a decent size in China pharmaceutical market.───现在我们在中国医药市场上已达成了相当的规模。
Any decent size scaffold hire job would command a scaffolding security alarm to be installed.───什么像样的大小脚手架出租脚手架工作会命令要安装安全警报。
I have a decent size fish bowl, but am concerned on the quality of the water.───我有一个体面的大小鱼一碗,但很担心对水的质量。
Not until Lady Gaga will a woman with such a decent-size nose be this powerful again.───絮叨到现在,女性终于要在本名单上大放异彩了。
The Upper Mississippi region has had plentiful supplies of grains and soybeans and is expected to harves【净罪之塔,吱吱作响……就像光一般,贯穿世界。背脊之塔,摇摇 晃晃……不断往下坠的是我们还是天空?】t a decent size crop.───密西西比河上游地区盛产粮食和大豆,预计今年的收成将颇为可观。
The bathroom was also a decent size - no larger than necessary but enough room so that it didn't feel cramped, and with great toiletries.───浴室也大小适中,大到并不奢侈,但小也未小到让人感到狭小窘迫,化妆品等也样样具备。
The gray bar is moving, the green bar is moving (and is a decent size), but you still can't hear anything.───灰色的列移动,移动绿色列(而是正常的大小),但您仍然无法听到任何。
And now we have a pretty decent size of organization in Europe as well with about 450 people in Europe.───我们在欧洲发展的不错,现在大约有450名员工在那工作。
Failing that, use your Monday-to-Friday leather bag, provided it's a decent size.───做不到这一点,请用你平常用的皮革包,如果它的大小刚好。