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fiscal cliff

2025-02-02 23:38:31 词典
文章fiscal cliff由网友走进回忆的画廊投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 fiscal cliff 释义 fiscal cliff
fiscal cliff发音



fiscal cliffs───n.财政悬崖

fiscal crisis───财政危机

fiscal policy───[财政]财政政策

visceral cleft───脏裂,鳃裂

fiscal discipline───[财政]财政纪律

fiscal agent───财务代理人

fiscal drag───[财政]财政拖累(指由通货膨胀引起的虽未改变税率而增加的税收负担);[财政]财政障碍

fiscal drags───[财政]财政拖累(指由通货膨胀引起的虽未改变税率而增加的税收负担);[财政]财政障碍

fiscal year───会计年度;(美)财政年度


Part of the fiscal cliff was averted , but there are two big issues not addressed in the bill.───财【天地之气化,生于不齐,而死于齐。故万物参差,万事杂揉,势固然耳,天地亦主张不得。】政悬崖部分已被避免,但是仍有两大问题没有解决。

we've avoided the worst of the fiscal cliff.───我们要避免最糟糕的财政悬崖。

They're all talking about the same thing, the fiscal cliff.───他们讨论的是同一件事:财政悬崖。

Consumer sentiment has hit its lowest point more than a year in the U. S. during part of the recent debate over the fiscal cliff.───因为美国最近对于财政悬崖的争论消费者们的信心已经达到最低点超过一年。

it's a final step and trying to find the final solution to avoid the looming fiscal cliff about automatic tax hikes and spending cuts.───这是试图找到一种解决方案以避免迫在眉睫的关于自动加税和削减开支财政悬崖的最后一步。

And then there's the matter of the "fiscal cliff. "───还有“财政悬崖”的问题。

President Obama says he and House speaker John Boehner are pretty close to a deal to keep the country from going over a fiscal cliff.───奥巴马总统称他和众议院议长约翰·博纳已经相当接近的达成一项协议,以保持美国不受财政悬崖的威胁。

US President Barack Obama says he is modestly optimistic that a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff is possible.───美国总统奥巴马称,他对避免财政悬崖持谨慎的乐观态度。

If Congress does nothing, which Congress has gotten pretty good at doing these days. We'll go over the fiscal cliff.───现在正是国会采取行动的时候,如果国会不采取任何措施,我们将陷入财政悬崖的困境中。

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