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2025-01-29 23:50:27 词典
文章BOXON由网友走进回忆的画廊投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 box on 释义 box on
box on发音



box in───vt.矩形缩小;盒状收缩;围起来

box iron───n.匣状熨斗;[材]槽钢

blow on───v.吹凉(食物);开炉

box out───盒状放射,预留箱形凹位;抢位挡人

big on───酷爱;对...热情的;...的权威

box irons───n.匣状熨斗;[材]槽钢



I called him from the phone box on the corner.───我在拐角处的电话亭打电话给他。

One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on wheels.───一个男孩用下面装着轮子的小箱子推着另一个男孩。

He dropped the box on his toe.───他把盒子弄掉,砸到了自己的脚趾。

at what he found: A man were lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.───他惊奇的发现一个男子在箱子里一堆羊毛制品上面躺着。

When a particular language is entered into a box on the ad signup form, the approximate reach of the selection will appear at the bottom.───在广告注册表格中,选择某个特定语言后,在表格底部马上显示接收人数。

If you want to leave a message of support for a true club legend, then you can do so in the comments box on this story.───如果你愿意,请在评论框留言给我们的传奇人物(下附网址)。

Early the next spring, the wise man had a plan. He took four young men with him to the iron box on wheels. Each man 【春秋之中,风雨飘摇,有人抱头痛哭,有人檐下躲雨,有人借伞披蓑,唯我大楚绝不避雨,宁在雨中高歌死,不去寄人篱下活。】led his donkey.───春天的伊始,那个聪明人有了一个计划。他带了四位年轻的男士跟他去到那个有轮的铁箱子。每个男士带领着他的驴子。

If Hester did his job inside a Perspex box on top of the Gherkin for a year, this entire argument might never have happened.───如果海斯特在“腌黄瓜”顶上的有机玻璃盒子内工作过一年,目前这场争辩可能根本就不会发生。

The tall young man put my box on his cart and drove off at such a speed, that I had to run to keep up with him.───这个高个子的年轻人把我的箱子放在他的马车上赶车就跑开,其速度之快,我只有紧跑才能赶上他。


He supported the heavy box on his shoulders.

Turn the box on its side.

Just tick the box on your order form.

He put a rectangular box on the table.

The little girl piled one paper box on top of the other.

He carried a box on his shoulders.

Harry stood the box on end to open it.

I tripped over the box on the floor and fell.

He was carrying a box on his shoulder.


