相似词语短语spring beauty───n.春美草
sheer beauty───纯粹的美
bathing beauty───美人;泳装美人
skin graft───植皮手术,皮肤移植术;移植的皮肤
skin grafts───植皮手术,皮肤移植术;移植的皮肤
skin test───皮肤反应测验
skin test【人来世上走这一遭,就是吃苦头还债来的,还完了债,临了之时,若是家有节余,那就已是一个男人天大的能耐了。】s───皮肤反应测验
you beauty───你这个美人
skin reaction───皮肤反应
双语使用场景Corn is rich in vitamin e, is also a respected expert skin beauty food.───玉米本身富含维生素e,也是专家推崇的美肤食品。
Physical exercise can make the students have healthy skin beauty, form beauty and cultivate their pose beauty.───体育锻炼可得到健康的皮肤美、人体的体型美,培养身体动作姿态美。
Originated in Japan, the wine is used in very early skin beauty.───起源于日本的清酒,在很早就被用于护肤美容。
Chinese Tang conclusion skin beauty treatment chloasma significant clinical effect.───结论:中药美肤汤治疗黄褐斑临床疗效显著。
Objective: To observe the effect of the treatment of skin beauty soup chloasma clinical efficacy.───目的:观察中药美肤汤治疗黄褐斑的临床疗效。
6 cabbage: Detox, antioxidant, skin beauty.───圆白菜:排毒、抗氧化、美肤。
Skin beauty, the beauty of balance, beauty of China───肌肤之美,平衡之美,中国之美
what's your secret to keep body and skin beauty───保持身材和皮肤的秘诀