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boat trip

2025-03-12 21:55:14 成语
文章boat trip由网友走进回忆的画廊投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 boat trip 释义 boat trip
boat trip发音

哈拉上船; [电影]寻爱旅程



boat trips───乘船旅行

boat train───港口联运列车;港口接驳列车

bad trip───n.难受的经历

boat tail───n.[航]船形尾部,导弹尾部

road trip───四仔旅行团(乐团名);哈拉上路(电影名);自驾游

boating trip───乘船旅行

boat trains───港口联运列车;港口接驳列车

boat drill───船上的救生演习

boat tails───n.[航]船形尾部,导弹尾部


Tomorrow, we'll take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.───明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港.

If we take a boat trip, we can enjoy the magnificent sights along the thames.───如果我们乘船旅行, 我们可以欣赏泰晤士河沿岸的动人景色.

Kelly also enjoyed a boat trip on the river Thames.───凯丽也很喜欢泰晤士河上的游船之旅.

Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk Aswan after the boat trip.───乘船游览以后,凡是想去的人就可以去阿斯旺各处走一走.

During a boat trip across the Gulf of Papagayo, this parrot decided that he couldn't stand the heat of the Guanacaste summer and decided to take a bath.───在一条横跨帕帕·加约海湾的游船上,这只鹦鹉终于无法忍受瓜那卡斯特的炎热了,它决定冲个凉先。

Yes, we can go for a walk around the lake, maybe even a boat trip.───是的, 我们可以绕着湖边散步, 也许还可以在湖上泛舟.

If we take a boat trip, we can enjoy the magnificent sights along the Thames.───如果乘船旅行, 我们可以欣赏到泰晤士河沿岸的动人景色.

'll also be Celtic tales around a bonfire with (ahem) Gordon the Viking, a check on Nessie, a nose around Eilean Donan castle, and a boat trip to watch seals.───旅程还将包括在篝火旁听维京人戈登讲凯尔特人的传说(天哪),探访尼斯湖怪,游览Eilean Donan城堡,以及出海去看海豹。

If you take a boat trip, you can enjoy the magnificent sights along the coast.───如果您乘船观光的话, 会看到沿岸的动人美景.

Take a boat trip, and you will be fascinated by the peaks along the river.───坐上船游览, 你就会被河岸的山峰所吸引.

Aunt Mary bought a ticket to travel in the second - class on die boat trip.───玛丽姨妈买了一张二等舱的旅游船票.

Could we take a boat trip on the West Lake?───游客:我们可以在西湖上划船 吗 ?

If you take a boat trip, you will be fascinated the peaks along the river.───如果坐上船游览, 你就会被河岸的山峰给吸引.

You can take a boat trip along the coast.───你可以乘船沿海岸旅游一趟。

If you like excitement, take a boat trip down the fast Snake River.───如果你喜欢刺激, 就可以沿着蛇河乘船而下.

A boat trip on the lake.───在湖上乘船游览.

In the evening, we wil 1 take an evening boat trip along the Huangpu River.───晚上我们坐船游览黄埔江.

We were buffeted about during the rough boat trip.───船在大浪中航行,我们被颠得左右摇晃.


Take a boat trip upstream along the Swan River through vineyards, stopping off to visit wineries.

We were buffeted about during the rough boat trip.

You can take a boat trip along the coast to Lundy Island, the famous bird sanctuary.

A festival, a boat trip, climbing to the top of a hill.

The equity department was planning a boat trip to become further acquainted with the trainees on its short list.

The boat trip lasts three hours, so you certainly get your 【我们被彼此所吸引,像水滴一般,像行星一般;我们对彼此排斥,像磁铁一般,像肌肤颜色一般。】money's worth.

From here visitors can take a boat trip along the coast to Lundy Island.

The boat trip should have provided some respite but it is difficult to see how.

You can take a boat trip along the coast.

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