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2025-02-27 22:32:12 成语
文章sellin由网友关掉月亮投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 sell in 释义 sell in
sell in发音



sells in───n.(Sellin)人名;(瑞典)塞林;(英)塞林

fell in───排队;到期

seal in───封入

sell on───劝使接受;使人相信

【徒然饮落醉卧…徒然如梦如真…】well in───n.(Wellin)人名;(瑞典)韦林

sells on───劝使接受;使人相信

all in───疲乏到极点

call in───召集;召来

fall in───塌陷;跌入;集合;到期


He's looking for things to sell in his shop.───他正在为自己的商店找一些艺术品出售。

It's more challenging to sell in South America.───在南美销售其实很困难。

We sell in South America.───我们在南美销售。

I heard about this house the owner had to sell in a hurry, so I got it at a very cheap price.───我听说房主急于要出售这栋房子,所以我以很便宜的价格买进了。一个星期后,我把它卖掉,从中赚了两万美元。

Certain game play styles and genres sell in a "predictable" sort of way and, thus, appear to have less financial risk associated with them.───只能获得较少的风险投资,现在的游戏来来去去就那么几个类型和卖点。

A calculation to determine how much product a company must sell in order to make back its original investment.───一种确定公司需要销售多少产品才能收回初始投资的计算。

Mr Hulme said the two European multinationals might be unwilling to sell in the short term at prices that Huntsman would be willing to pay.───胡铭表示,这两家欧洲跨国集团也许在短期内不愿按亨斯迈愿意支付的价格,出售自己的工厂。

The restricted stock will vest over a year and a half, with the first portion available to sell in August.───限制性股票将在一年半内陆续授权,第一部分可于八月出售。

It's not enough to say that you love pottery or that you want to travel around and find great pottery to sell in your own little shop.───你说你喜欢陶器,或者想到处旅行,并找到一些极好的陶器在你自己的小店里出售,这样是不够的。


They return to sell in Huaraz until it is time to pay off debts and replenish their stock.

Even prevention is a hard sell in a political environment.

If his books sell in the States, he'll make a mint.

It expects to sell, in two or three years, intelligent robots capable of limited judgement.

Serious history books sell in large numbers, are serialised in newspapers, televised and debated.

They will sell in supermarkets for around 43p.

The trendy logos mean they can sell in shops for up to £50 apiece; but looks can be deceptive.

Or he may be planning to sell, in which case he can risk a dinner party without being trapped into intimacy.

The villagers grow coffee and maize to sell in the market.


