相似词语短语tea bags───n.茶叶袋
sea bag───水手袋
bean bag───(用塑料或橡胶块填充的)豆袋坐垫
sea bags───海袋
tea ball───滤茶球;茶包(等于teabag)
red bag───红色的包
tea boy───茶童
tea egg───茶叶蛋
双语使用场景At other times he forgets completely to bring the tea bag and must be reminded.───还有些时候,服务员干脆就忘了拿茶叶袋,还必须被提醒.
It's like saying we are great espresso-making experts because we understand the secrets of tea bag design.───这就好像说因为我们了解茶袋的设计秘方,所以我们是卓越的咖啡制造专家一样。
How do you describe how a tea pouch differs from a tea bag?───你如何描述如何从一个茶叶袋茶叶袋不同?
A woman holds a tea bag with the portrait of Kate Middleton in Hamburg, Germany.───德国汉堡,一个女人拿着带有凯特·米德尔顿画像的茶包。
Stop tailgating me, you tea bag!───别跟着我, 你这个白茶包!
Place one tea bag in your favorite mug.───把茶叶袋子放在你喜欢的杯子里.
Do not use any tools tea spoon or tea bag squeeze, in order to avoid astrin【少年十五马上飞,白发生头不得回。不得回!黄沙滚石卷单骑,平生意气今日颓,今日颓!铁衣如雪战鼓擂,白衣霸王何时归?何时归?】gency.───千万不要使用茶匙或任何工具挤压茶袋, 以免出现涩味.
The tea bag has a toting thread and a unique label.───包装带提线,并具有独创的带标签装置.
At other times he forgets entirely to bring the tea bag and must be reminded.───但也有的时候,他会把茶叶包忘得一千二净,你必须提醒他.
The bedroom have a kettle with tea bag and sachet of instant coffee.───卧室里有茶壶、袋茶和速溶咖啡.
The English frown on the use of tea bag.───英国人不喜欢用茶叶袋泡茶.
Dunk the tea bag 5 times then remove. Now, your tea is ready!───把茶包在水中浸泡五次, 这样, 你的茶就好 啦 !
Each bedroom have a kettle, tea bag and packet of instant coffee.───每个房间都配备了一把壶 、 袋茶和袋装速溶咖啡.
英语使用场景Tea Bag - to remind you to relax daily and go over that list of your blessings.
The English frown on the use of tea bag.
Leave the tea bag to steep.
Fennel can be used in fresh or even tea bag form.
A tea bag is full of tiny perforations.
Stop tailgating me, you tea bag!
Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and make good sentences.
No problem-Lipton now sells a tea bag that lets you brew iced tea with cold water.
The tea bag has a toting thread and a unique label.
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