cannon balls───抱膝跳水
cannon bone───胫骨;管骨
carrom ball───汽车舞会
双语使用场景Serve again The cannon - ball service.───再发球!勾手大力发球.
His left arm was shattered into matches by a cannon ball.───他的左臂被一炮弹击碎.
He stood next to a cannon which fired a cannon ball into his stomach. His stomach was so strong that the cannon ball bounced back.───他站在一个大炮旁,由大炮射了一发炮弹到他的肚子上,他的肚子是那么的强壮以至炮弹被弹了回去。
This is called cannon ball, and that is called swallow dive.───这种动作叫抱膝跳水, 那个动作叫燕式跳水.
A well-aimed cannon ball could hit below its iron covering and sink it.───一枚炮弹准确地打在它的铁皮下面,并使战舰往下沉。
Confederate cannon ball hit the iron side of the Monitor and bounced away. Union sailors cheered.───南方的炮弹打在蒙尼特号战舰的铁皮上弹开了,北方的士兵欢呼了:维吉尼亚号的大炮对他们不会带来危害!
英语使用场景Unlike the solid cannon ball a mortar shell is hollow and filled with gunpowder.
Once you have established where the cannon ball hits place a small coin or other marker directly over the spot.
I hope a cannon ball lands slap on you.
One poor fellow.... lost both legs by a cannon ball.
Any model struck by a cannon ball takes a strength 10 hit resolved in the normal manner.
The cannon ball travels forward this distance before striking the ground. 3.
Mark the point where the cannon ball strikes the ground and roll the Artillery dice to establish the bounce distance.
If the cannon ball wounds its target then it causes not 1 but D4 wounds.
On the pillar is a cannon ball from the Prussian bombardment of Prague in 1757.