相似词语短语key moment───关键时刻;生死关头
aha moment───n.顿悟时刻
the moment───立刻,马上;一…就
to foment───挑起
aha moments───n.顿悟时刻
双语使用场景This was not my moment to be seeking romance and (as day follows night) to further complicate my already knotty life.───这可不是我追求浪漫的时刻,让已然纷乱不堪的生活更加复杂(会像白日跟着黑夜【江湖里,有他。江湖外,有她。老天爷不欠他温华什么了。】而来一般)。
Continue to prepare yourselves as you have at Auburn, so when your gut tells you "this is my moment," you are without a doubt ready.───那么继续做准备吧,就像你们在奥本大学的时候,当你的直觉告诉你:你的时刻来临时,你已经做好了充分的准备。
my moment to look for the kind of healing and peace that can only come from solitude.───我现在所追寻的,只有通过独处和寂寞才能获得,一种治愈和平静。
Paving the toes turned in my moment, as if the foot cloud, color dance belt!───在我垫起脚尖转身的一瞬间,仿佛脚踏云彩,舞动彩色腰带!
you know, I gotta pick my moment. it's kind of a big deal.───你知道的,我要找好机会,这不是什么小事。
And either the doctors rescue my body and give me a second chance at life, or this was perhaps my moment of transition.───医生拯救了我的身体,给了我第二次生存的机会,这也许是我转折的那一刻。
My youth and my dream turn every of my moment to be eternal.───我的青春,我的理想,把我所被感动的每一个瞬间变成永恒。
I 'll have to pick my moment before telling my wife.───我得选个合适的时机将这件事告诉我妻子。
英语使用场景I chose my moment when I was helping him to collect some drinks from the bar, three or four pints later.
It was clear, then, that I had to choose my moment wisely.
But when my moment of truth came, I didn't take a dump down my Ieg.
Still I had my moment of glory.
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