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2025-02-20 19:24:46 成语
文章pointout由网友梦想家投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 point out 释义 point out
point out发音

指出,把注意力引向…; 提示; 点明; 指明



points out───指出,指明

paint out───用油漆涂去

print out───(打)印出

point count───计点法

pointed out───指出,指明

point duty───尖兵勤务

print outs───(打)印出

prints out───(打)印出

count out───点数;不把…算在内;拳击中判输


Provide the opinions and solutions to point out the weaknesses in the ESD.───针对手机ESD方面的缺陷提出专业的意见并解决.

Many experts point out those physical exercise contributes directly a persons physical fitness.───许多权威人士指出体育锻炼直接有助于肉体康健.

The method can precisely point out the peak edge of histogram and anticipated goal is achieved.───实践证明这种方法取得了较好的效果,能较准确地指示直方图尖峰的边沿,达到了预期的目的.

I must point out that delay is unwise.───我必须指出拖延是不明智的.

Chapter one analyze house state that space design at present, point out research purpose and meaning.───第一章分析了目前家居空间设计的状况, 指出了研究目的与意义.

The manager hastened to point out that his products were far superior to others.───经理急忙指出他的产品比其他的要好得多.

This section will point out some of the most common pitfalls.───本节将指出一些最容易犯的常见错误.

I should point out that not one of these paintings is original.───我应当指出,这些画中没有一幅是真迹。

We regret to point out that the goods delivered areup to the standard of the samples.───我们遗憾地指出所交的货物与样品标准不符.

Critics point out that the prince, on his income, should be paying tax.───批评家指出王子的收入应该纳税。

We all too easily point out our mothers' failings.───我们都太过轻易地指出母亲的缺点。

We would like to point out that the distortion is not wrong.───我们很愿意指出扭曲并非错误.

Detailed explain extrusion and curing process , point out key process character should be attention at production.───叙述了橡胶密封条生产工艺, 概括了在生产实践中需要关注的要点.

Please point out the painful place with your finger.───请用手指指出哪儿痛.

It is hoped th【兴利无太急,要左视右盼;革弊无太骤,要长虑却顾。】at the readers will kindly point out our errors.───敬希读者指正.

She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.───她试图向他指出他的做法不公正,但无济于事。

Some people point out that it was not as sincere as Edison Chen's apology.───有人支出其没有陈冠希的道歉真诚.

Author point out emphatically: onus of proof is a legal liability of litigant, not other organization.───笔者强调指出: 举证责任是诉讼当事人的一项法律责任, 并不是其它机关的责任.

Through to environmental impact evaluation of constructing Wukeshu development area, point out environmental impact factors.───通过对建设五棵树开发区周边环境状况影响评价, 指出影响环境因素.

I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.───我想指出你们对事实的曲解。

I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.───我希望指出你的失实之处。

School administrators point out that using a double to attend class is strictly prohibited.───学校管理人员指出,需要严令禁止雇替身来代课这一现象.

This word is a derivation. Can you point out its root, prefix and suffix?───这是一个派生词. 你能说出它的词根 、 前缀和后缀 吗 ?

I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.───我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。

They'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father's boat.───他们已经开车沿码头走了一遍,好让她指出哪艘是她父亲的船。

The sixth part summarize the article's study and point out the limit of study. "───第六部分对全文的研究成果进行了总结,并指出了本文的研究限制.

Please don't take it amiss if I venture to point out your errors.───假如我冒昧指出你的错误,请不要见怪.

Mobil is at pains to point out that the chances of an explosion at the site are remote.───美孚公司急于说明那个地点发生爆炸的可能性微乎其微。

Furthermore, as Gervaise was quick to point out, Mr Scully was not a detective.───而且,正如热尔韦斯毫不犹豫地指出来的那样,斯库利先生并不是一名侦探。

You may point out our shortcoming, no matter when.───你不管什么时候都可以指出我们的缺点.


